Roon controller not functioning on Windows 11 PC with Roon core installed (ref#O9QX5J)

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Describe the issue

On my Windows 11 PC, that I have the Roon installed, the Roon controller will not work on that same computer. I have already allowed all the Roon programs to bypass the Windows firewall. The Roon controller works on Android phone though.

Describe your network setup

TP Link mesh wifi system. Roon PC is connected to the network through wifi 6, with one of the mesh's close to the PC.

Can you say more about this? Screenshots would also be useful to aid diagnosis.

Is your network on the Windows Computer set to be ‘Private’?

It is set to Public. Is private the correct setup for roon?

Private networks are recommended.


Be sure to select Private for the network type

Is Roon Remote on your android phone still working?

What happens if you select “Select a different Roon Server” in the Windows Roon application? It should, show you a list of the Roon servers that are currently running on your network - of which there should be only one - the one on the Windows PC.

Thanks a ton! Got it working with a private network setting.

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