Roon Core Importing Unfaved Qobuz Albums Despite Profile or Library Removal (ref#0A9JL5)

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Roon Core Always Import Albums not faved in Qobuz Library, even though I remove completely profile, or remove Qobuz library completely in Roon.

After I clear my roon library, reimport my local files, and reconnect Qobuz account, the roon still sync albums that not faved in Qobuz.

Maybe something is wrong with “your qobuz datalibrary” not Qobuz side.

And you have never added Qobuz albums to your Roon library through the Roon client by pressing the + button?

After the last time I clear my library, I haven’t pressed + button.

These imported unfaved albums are the ones I added before, maybe months before. But I have removed them from both Qobuz and Roon side in many rebuilt Roon librarys multi-times before.

So I suspect it’s the data Roon syncing to the cloud causing it.

Hi @Archer_K,

So sorry for the long delay here, and thank you for your updated report on your issue.

Since some time has passed I wanted to check in and see if you were still having issues with proper Qobuz tracks syncing to your Roon account?

Let me know your status, thank you! :pray:

Yes, I still have this issure with my Qobuz.

Now, I unsub and disconnect Qobuz, switch to Tidal.

And waiting your solution.

Qobuz account hacked? Changed your password?

Hi @Archer_K,

Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do if you’re now using Tidal and no longer have an active connection with Qobuz. Do you experience the same issue when using Tidal?

Nope, I can resub and play anytime.

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