Roon core not available on a Mac mini

Roon Core Machine

Mac mini M1 8 gb ram

Had a power failure due to a thunderstorm and any remote can’t find the Roon core on my Mac mini. Did reinstalled the Roon software …no success
tried to log on the OS web …the Roon software on the Mac mini can’t see the Roon core anymore
how can I fix this ?


Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

@Luc_Poirier, welcome to the Community. Have you rebooted your network as well as the Mac mini? Can you explain what you mean by

Also, can you complete the information about the network and what devices you are trying to connect to the Core, as well as how they are connected (Ethernet cable, WiFi)?

is the Mac Mini working , lightening does nasty things

it’s more likely than a Roon error

Hi Mike,

The Mac mini works fine, all of the other applications also.

I did reboot 3 times and it finally connect to the core.

Now its unstable, roon crash without any else running on the Mac mini


Hi @Luc_Poirier,

As a next step, could you please take note of the date, time, and song playing when the next crash occurs, and share that information here?

I’ll be on standby for your reply. :+1:

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