Roon crash october 18

Hello there,
since I made the update of my motherboard Asus Maximus X hero, I can not open Roon, I already tried to reinstall with a version found on your site but it hangs and no longer answer you would you have a solution to offer me?

my config:
hq player 3
win 10 64 bits
maximux X hero asus
number of albums a lot

I appreciate you reaching out, @JJBdS!

Just to verify, you updated the firmware on your Asus Maximus and that’s when you started experiencing this issue?

Does this machine have the all-in-one version of Roon installed or RoonServer?

When you try to open the application does anything at all happen? Do you see any errors in Event Viewer?


Thank you for your quick answer, indeed I have updated my firmware (see = jpeg). I have the Roon version all-in-one, my music being installed on two hard drives.

When I open there is no error because Roon goes directly into answer) and turns in the void

If you need more information I am at your disposal
(no =maj%20Asus

Hey @JJBdS,

I was hoping for now you could use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link.

click on the link you will find the folder with the logs

Hey @JJBdS,

I’ve passed the logs along to our technical team for analysis and will let you know as soon as I’ve received their feedback.


Hey @JJBdS,

I spoke with the team about their findings here and wanted to reach out. Unfortunately, since the crash is occurring so early, the logs don’t show anything specific, so this appears to be something occurring on the Windows side before Roon can really get started.

For next steps, we’d like to try with a new database and see if there is any change. See steps below:

  • Shut down your Roon Core
  • Locate your Roon database according to these instructions
  • Rename the entire Roon (or RoonServer) folder to roon_old
  • Reboot the machine
  • Relaunch Roon, sign in, and configure a new install

Let us know if there is any change here.


after intallation-uninstallation of the set including the data-base, there is no change, impossible for me to start Roon!
But after two hours on the problem I think I have found the solution … and actually it works, just do not put Roon in French and let Roon in English … So if you have to look for a solution, it will be in the language patch
Good research