Roon Core Machine
MacMini (late 2014), 2.8 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, 8GB DDR3 Ram, MacOS Monterey 12.3.1
Roon 1.8 (build 936)
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Router: SwisscomSwitches:
English Elecric 8Switch (connected direct to Router, Audio , Homecinema), Netgear ProSave 16 Gibabit Switch (connected direct to Router, other components, rest of the cheap Audio), Zyxel GS1200 5 (Spliter for Network for 2 Rooms)
Almost any important component connected with Patch Cable. Wifi for control the Music
Connected Audio Devices
Allo UsBrithch signature over Lan USB Out, Topping D30 DAC, AVR Marantz SR7013
Allo UsBrithch signature over Lan USB Out, Chord Qutest DAV, Emotiva Stealth DC-1 DAC/Pre, Elac Air-X403 aktiv Monitor
2 HifiBerry. Sonos Play 1, Allo DigiOne Signature, Auralic mini
Number of Tracks in Library
53000 Tracks
Description of Issue
Hope somebody can help me out whit these problems. I tried by myself whit surge in the net and forum, but i don’t find a solution.
Sorry my bad English, hope you can understand.
Problem 1 Roon crash
Roon crashes in the last month after 10-30min wen does not use. Then I get a Report and I have to start roon again (see foto).
I updatet the Mac OS, newest Roon Version, Reinstall Roon whit no solution
Problem 2 import iTunes Playlist
The Original Music library stored on external Drive on my MacBook pro. Then I make a copy to a external drive that’s connected to the MacMini (Roon Core).
I export the xml File from iTunes to the external HD and start a new indexing.
I finde out that the original xml file name was not found by roon. I renamed to “iTunes library.XML”
Bevor this function. Know Roon don’t see any Playlist from iTunes.
Hope somebody can help my out. Its horrible without my playlist.