Roon crashes in harfbuzz.dll [Resolved - Use graphics option in GPU]

On my PC, Windows 10, i7 4 cores, 64Gb RAM, not running server, Roon client is frequently crashing, without any reason given.

This started happening few days ago. I haven’t changed anything on my machine, at least not knowingly. Other applications I run are perfectly stabile.

Roon client crashes within harfbuzz.dll where invalid handle is being, uhm, closed or used, I cannot remember at this precise moment.

I think computers just go wrong like this for no particular reason sometimes - they seem to be made from mostly cheap components with software that’s always needing updates to sort it out. It’ll probably be ok again soon. I get bizarre behaviour with my Nucleus and iPad too sometimes but I just roll my eyes and get on with it as it’s to be expected with computers. Sorry not much help in your specific situation though!

strange… harfbuzz is part of our font layout engine.

anyway, try reinstalling, maybe something went corrupt. it may not help, but its a good thing to try.

if it fixes things, be sure to test your drives for errors… you may have something failing.

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No, drives are fine, but if fonts rendering is gpu accelerated, it might be caused by AMD drivers which I had updated.

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At the moment, this crash seems to be triggered by putting Radeon drivers Settings|Graphics|Advanced|GPU Workload option from Graphics to Compute. The setting only affects memory timing of the gfx card. The card itself is fully functional and none of my other programs running experienced any crashes or any other glitches. Roon was the only one, with invalid handle being used in the harfbuzz thirdparty…

I have RX480 card and I always have latest drivers (Roon frequently crashed with few recent versions).

When Roon was crashing, no computing (bitcoin mining) was in progress, although, even if it was, that wouldn’t be a valid reason to crash.

Thanks for the update, @gmit2. It’s possible that changing to Compute mode impacts things more with Roon because it uses Open GL. I’ll check with the team about this to see if there is anything we can do on our end to improve things here. Thanks for the feedback!


I heard back from the team on this. harfbuzz.dll doesn’t use the GPU, so it seems there’s something “off” here with the drivers, and there isn’t anything we are able to change here on our side. For now, I’d recommend using Graphics mode since that works fro you.