Roon crashes on Guard Page error as of 2024-7-9

I am now getting this and the server closes. Was there an update in the last few days?
Old posts seem to indicate this was happening in 2021
Happens after 5-10 songs. I have not had any Win 10 updates lately and no reboot.

Update: There were Win10 pending updates. I let them happen and now Roon dies after a few songs with no error message.
Off to YT Music, Waaaaah


I would be tempted to uninstall and re-install Roon , it looks corrupted ?

Yeah, I didn’t go that far as I hadn’t changed anything on the PC.
Removed and reinstalled today.
Oddly it said there was an Update notification upon reinstall even though I had uninstalled Roon earlier. I didn’t remove the DB/settings so maybe it was taking a reference from that.
I made it through one album so she seem good now. :slight_smile:

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Spoke too soon.
Not even streaming and bam.

@DAVE_NICKEL, I recommend opening a formal support ticket and let Roon’s team investigate what is happening on your system. You can open a ticket here Support

Thanks. I did poke around but it idn’t seem clear where the ‘official’ topics should be placed.

What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Describe the issue

Describe your network setup
This is where I describe the Gaurd page error. Win 10 PC, no changes, reintalled Roon. Just crashes after a few songs or just by itself with nothing playing. TP Link Deco mesh and all Google Chromecast devices.

Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. Usually this error indicates that you have run out of RAM. Can you post a screenshot of Roon’s RAM usage from the task manager the next time this happens?

A post was split to a new topic: Roon crashes on guard page

Current state.
Roon lasted all night but I will task it to play again today.


From the screenshots you’ve posted RAM usage doesn’t seem to be an issue. You no longer see the Guard Page error?

Not since the last crash restart yesterday night.
Has beed solidly crashing for 2 days even after a Roon reinstall and server reboot.
I’ll keep you informed.

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Ran all day on different devices without a hitch.
Don’t know the cause of the 2 day outage but so far it has failed to reappear. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad you’re able to use Roon again.

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