Roon crashing during backup

Hi…sorry I never replied! I have since reconfigured my Roon Server connection & connected it directly to my router. Previously it was on wifi and I think the wireless NIC was dropping the signal.

If the issue persists I’ll update the thread.

I am, however, experiencing crashes when I back up Roon. I backup using the Dropbox API and the crash generally happens right @ the start of the backup operation…during the database snapshot. It’s happened several times recently.

I use Roon @ home & and work and generally back up & restore daily. The crashes only occur on my work installation.

Thanks for the update, @m_p!

If you backup to somewhere other than Dropbox does that work for you?

Are you backing up to Dropbox from your home installation too?


I typically only back up to Dropbox (using the API)…I do backup @ home also using the Dropbox API. I generally don’t back up any other way since I “share” the Roon database between 2 computers. I can try to back up local first and see if ii crashes. But I always back up to Dropbox via the API @ home and it never crashes.

Hey @m_p,

Thanks for the update! Definitely try doing the backup locally from the work machine and let me know how it goes. It will be good to know if it’s always happening, or if perhaps there is an issue connecting to Dropbox for the backup in that environment.

If the same behavior occurs, please make a note of the time it crashes and send that along to me. From there I can enable diagnostics for the technical team to review.


Hi…just experienced a crash backing up to local hard drive. 9/27/2018 @ 2:30 PM Central Time

Thanks for the timestamp, @m_p!

Can you confirm the name of the Core machine that crashed so I can enable diagnostics for that device?

Please also confirm the following:

  • What was the path the backup was saved to?
  • Can you give me a little more detail on the Core machine?


Sorry - I thought I replied to this.

The computer name is: 7VDQZF2
The path of the back-up: D:\RoonBackups
The core machine is a Dell laptop with i5, 16 GB RAM running windows 7

I’m running RoonServer and Roon remote on the same machine.

Thank you for the info, @m_p!

I spoke with the team about this and we would like to propose a test that should give us some additional insight here. Does this same behavior occur with a fresh Roon database? Please see the steps below:

  • Shut down RoonServer on the Core PC
  • Locate your Roon database according to these instructions
  • Rename the entire RoonServer folder to roonserver_old
  • Relaunch Roon, sign in, and configure a new install

Once you’ve done this try making another local backup. Does the same behavior occur? If so, please note the time and send it over to me so we can enable diagnostics once more.


ok - once i rename the RoonServer folder I can’t launch RoonServer app. Do i need to reinstall it?

Hey @m_p,

You might have to navigate to the roonserver_old folder and find the application there to run since you’ve changed the folder where it’s located.


ok - got it setup again - thanks! so…I won’t restore from back up. I’ll make a bunch of backups throughout the day and see how it goes.

Crashed backing up to dropbox. 4:26 ppm Central time 10/202018

Backups only crash on my work computer. I have no problems on my home PC. I’m guessing it has something to do with my work PC configuration. Probably going to be very difficult to pinpoint.

Roon crashed today backing up to local drive (10/22/2018 @ 13:35pm)

Here’s the problematic files the error listed:

i couldn’t login in after I restarted RoonServer - had to restore from backup

Thank you for the update, @m_p, and apologies for the continuing difficulties here!

Since this is happening even with a fresh database, it seems like there is something in your environment for your workplace Core machine that is causing this to occur.

I have enabled diagnostics on your account once more so I the team can take a look at the behavior with a fresh database in place. I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I’ve received their feedback from this.


Hey @m_p — I appreciate your patience here!

On your work machine do you have any firewalls active or antivirus software that you don’t have on your home machine? If so, are you able to temporarily disable them and try to make a backup again? Is there any change when doing so?


thanks! I’m not holding my breath on fixing this - not because Roon doesn’t provide excellent support. But I’m sure it’s something specific to my setup and since it’s a corporate PC I don’t have as much control over the setup :frowning:

Backups work great from my home PC…so I’m blaming the PC itself. But, maybe we’ll get lucky and someone will spot something in the diagnostic logs.