Roon do not recognize port USB

Hello everyone, I use Asustor 6404t with Roon server installed. The NAS is connected via USB to the Cambridge Audio CXN player. Unfortunately Roon does not recognize the USB output of the CXN. I can only transmit audio via AirPlay. How can I solve this problem?
I would be glad if someone helped me to solve this error.
Thank you!

What USB connection are you using on the CXN? Also, can you see audio output for the Asustor listed in Roon under Settings > Audio? Is this enabled?

The audio device is correctly detected in the Roon server settings. While in the Roon settings, when I enable the CA CXN USB Audio 1 device I am told that the device was not found. See the attached images.

Hi @Antonio_Manara,

Is the behavior the same if you reboot the Asustor and the Cambridge player? It is not clear if Cabridge supports all models of Linux and your Asustor is a linux-based OS, please see this post for more information:

You may want to reach out directly to Cambridge to confirm if it support Asustor OS.

The original CXN was an Audio class 1 device that was not automatically compatible with anything other than Windows and Mac.

Looking among the apps installed on the Asustor for those that somehow used the audio outputs of the NAS, I opened the Hires player and after changing the settings related to the audio outputs (see photo) … mysteriously the USB device appeared in Roon! The thing is not entirely resolved … as soon as I turn off the Asustor, the USB device is recognized only if I change some of the values of the audio outputs in the Hires player app …

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