Roon Does not auto-scan my library on changes / deletions / additions

Not even that it does automatically, only after the 4 hour rescan.

This is consistent then with what @Patrick_Van_Osta wrote.

Note: Real-time watching of storage on a NAS is what usually doesn’t work and nothing Roon can change.

ah… TBH, that was what I was referring to on my end. The scheduled 4-hour rescan is enough for my needs and my new additions show up after 4 hours or so. On those cases where I add a file and want to listed to it immediatekly, I force a rescan of the specific folder location (as opposed to scanning the entire library).

The Roon plugin for Synology picked up ANY change INSTANTLY. So thats a big step backwards now in NUC that I was not aware of (everybody was praising NUC!), particularly during times where I still have massive cleanups to do…

Hello @bbrip,

How do you have the share set up in Roon Settings -> Storage? Are you using Hostname to connect to it or via IP address?

As @xxx linked in the related thread, we have often seen that NAS(s) are unreliable are reporting file changes and that is typically the reason why the files don’t show up automatically.

Is there any change in behavior if you try setting a shorter rescan interval, such as 1 hour?

@noris, thank you for taking this up. I have set the NAS storage up in following format as described by Roon: smb://NameofNas/Musik

I can see that the Mac finder reports changes to files INSTANTLY with a new date as soon as I save them in the Tagging program, so it does not seem to be a problem of the NAS not reporting those changes.

I have tried rescan times of 1 hour, 4 hour, 12 hour, does not make any difference. Roon does not pick up any changes. I delete duplicate pictures or booklets: Roon does not pick it up. I delete entire Albums: Roon only picks it up during scheduled rescans and not as it happens I add Albums (after before cleaning the library) and it only gets up after the next rescan.

This just cant be.

Hi @bbrip,

Could you instead please try using IP-address based communication to the NAS? I wonder if that would have any sort of improvement in the behavior here.

So you’re saying here that the Roon automatic rescan interval is actually working as expected, even on the hostname option?

It depends on your definiton of „working“. It is not picking up any changes to the IMPORTDATE tag. It is not picking up deleted picture or pdf‘s. I would not call this „working“. It only picks up deleted or added tracks on the scheduled rescans

It picks up absolutely nothing automatic.

I try the IP tomorrow after doing a thorough backup first. I dont trust this software :sunglasses:


I have now had the chance to see whether it makes any difference if I enter the IP-Address of the folder in the Roon directory setting. It doesn’t make any difference. Roon does not pick up the changes to files as reported by the NAS.

What do we do about this?

So when Roon core was running on your Synology NAS it picked up changes you did on music files that was stored on the same Synology? That makes sense as Roon and your music files were living on the same file system.
Are you running ROCK on the 8iBEH? If not, which OS?

yes. running now on Nuc8i7. Latest Roon OS. So I better move back to NAS?

To get a better idea of the situation what are exactly are you modifying that Roons not picking up? You say new files do show up after the 4hr update interval so If it’s metadata then do you have your import settings to use the files metadata? Roon will do it’s own lookup by default unless you set it up in import settings to use the files metadata so changing anything won’t necessarily change anything in Roon unless this is on.

When I really want Roon to pick up new data in files I usually move them out from the watched folder, do the changes, go to Settings->Library and use Clean Up Library to remove data about the moved files in the data base, then move the files back into the watched folder and let Roon discover.
Roon could do this with “remove all data about this album and re-discover”. I suggested this years ago, but it never turned up.
In addition following @Simon_Arnold3’s advice on setting Library->Import Settings the way you want it.
To keep the performance you’ve gained with the i7 NUC adding another SSD to it for your music files will get you to the same discovery routine you had with the Synology. Either that or putting a better CPU in the Synology (if at all possible).

Yes, but thats a totally hilarious process that might have been appropriate in the 1990’s.

I’ve been doing this just to get moving:

Delete files —>> Force rescan —>> Clean up library —>> force rescan —>> with some luck: —>> see the final result.

Then you changed IMPORTDATE? Tough luck to you. Roon doesnt see that either! So add a few more steps:

—>> Select Album that had tag changed —>> “Rescan Album”
—>> Go to next Album that had tag changed —>> “Rescan Album”
and so forth

Roon must be joking! This is Kindergarten Software.

And what are import settings set as. Do you have it to read from file? Roon will not use your metadata by default it needs to be told to use it or otherwise it will get it from its own sources.

The setiings are for Roon to read IMPORTDATE from file, if course

Yes, I agree with this. Roon seems to focus on different aspects of the application. Much attention on streaming (Tidal/Qobuz) these days… I don’t use streaming at all. Local files only. I’m one of the dinosaurs - I even want the ‘input device’ which really makes me feel old-fashioned.

Hi @bbrip,

I have been discussing this case with the technical team and it sounds like there are two issues here:

  1. The NAS is not reporting new files until a automatic re-scan interval is triggered - this is expected behavior due to the NAS SMB reporting limitations.

  2. Your IMPORTDATE tags are not being updated, even when the automatic re-scan interval is triggered.

Let’s focus on the second issue:

  1. How do you have SMB configured on your Synology NAS? Do you have SMB v3 enabled or are you using an older SMB protocol?

  2. How do you have your library import settings configured? Can you share a screenshot of Roon Settings -> Library -> Import Settings -> View? Particularly the Track Import Dates selections.

  3. How are you changing the IMPORTDATE tag on a file? What app are you using to edit the files?

HI @noris, thank you for further investigating this.

Ad 1.) My NAS Settings say SMB3. It has an Option “Do not allow earlier SMB Versions”. Shall I activate that one?

Ad 2.) Theyt are attached.

Ad. 3.) I am using Metadatics for Mac since many many years. Never a problem. Changes get picked up for example in MinimServer.

Hi @bbrip,

Yes, please activate this option, just to remove the usage of old SMB protocols from the equation.

For Import Date, I see you have File Creation Time selected, can you try to use File Modification Time instead?