MacBook Pro (Mac Os Catalina 10.15.7/Roon build number 710)
All my networking devices are connected through an Internet wideband via Ethernet.
The most relevant devices for this case are a Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra and a Pro-Ject Pre Box RS2 Digital connected via USB 2.0.
Hi Roon Support Team,
When I try to start playing I get these error messages: “This track is not currently available on Tidal” and “Too many attempts / Stopping playback.”
This is the first issue a have with Roon until now. I have checked my Tidal account and everything is okay. I have also reproduced some pieces trough Tidal’s Desktop App that Roon says they are not currently available from Tidal. The strange thing is that yesterday I left all my setup working fine. I have not changed/touched anything. Now, all my system components such as streamer, DAC, CD player, and so on, are still working well with the exception of Roon. So I think that the issue must come out from Roon.
Nope, no problem at all playing from TIDAL app. I have issues playing my TIDAL playlists in Roon. Then, is when Roon shows the error messages I mentioned before.
Hello @JJFT, do you have issues playing to any endpoint? How about system output (the built-in speakers) of your mac? If you create a new TIDAL playlist and sync it to Roon, are you able to play it?
Hello Nuwriy,
Yes, as I explain on the previous e-mails and screenshots I sent, I had issues playing TIDAL content within Roon.
Fortunately, this evening, I could find out a solution for them. Now everything is working fine.
Thanks for your reply anyway.
Kind regards
I saw that adding a new track to an old playlist the things were going well but just until to restart Roon. Once restarted, bad again. So I decided to re-installing the software, make all settings again and creating a new playlist. Mysteriously, everything started back to work fine again. I do not know whether if I was lucky or not, but it worked.