Roon does not work correctly with Linn Akurate DS endpoint

Hi @Jim_Gatheral,

In the logs we see the following trace:

10/30 14:24:31 Trace: [streamingmediafile] finished caching
10/30 14:24:32 Warn: [zoneplayer] failed to start stream OpenHome.Net.ControlPoint.ProxyError: 2:Connection timed out
  at OpenHome.Net.ControlPoint.Proxies.CpProxyAvOpenhomeOrgTransport1.SyncPlayAs (System.String aMode, System.String aCommand) [0x0001b] in <3deaa7333e174f27bbd18500ac7eed87>:0 
  at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.SongcastDirectZonePlayer.StartStream (Sooloos.Broker.Transport.StartStreamParameters ps) [0x001d7] in <3deaa7333e174f27bbd18500ac7eed87>:0 
  at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.ZonePlayerBase+<>c__DisplayClass67_0.<_StartStream>b__0 () [0x00047] in <3deaa7333e174f27bbd18500ac7eed87>:0 
  at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.ZonePlayerBase.Prepare (System.Action cb_done) [0x00000] in <3deaa7333e174f27bbd18500ac7eed87>:0 
  at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.ZonePlayerBase._StartStream () [0x00117] in <3deaa7333e174f27bbd18500ac7eed87>:0 
10/30 14:24:32 Info: [Office] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
10/30 14:24:32 Warn: [zone Office] Track Stopped Due to Error
10/30 14:24:32 Info: [zone Office] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
10/30 14:24:32 Debug: [zone Office] _Advance
10/30 14:24:32 Info: Alert: Transport: playback_start_error_unexpected

This error shows that Roon timed out when trying to connect to the Linn endpoint for streaming.

Do you by any chance have another PC around the house you can try to use as the Roon Core? It would be interesting to note if the same issues occur from two Core machines, to switch Cores you can use these instructions:

  • Open Roon on the other PC you wish to try as the Core
  • Roon Settings → General
  • Disconnect
  • On the “Choose your Core” screen, press “Use this PC”
  • If asked to Unauthorize, you can go ahead and do so. You are limited to one active Roon Core at a time but you are free to switch between them as often as you’d like.
  • Verify if the same behavior occurs on the different PC

Hi @noris,

Thank you for all of this. I will try another Mac and see what happens, when I have time.

Best regards,


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Hi @noris,

Roon is up and running again - but I’m not sure why. Having experimented with many different things, I think it’s a network issue.

Thanks again for all your work - I have just bought a lifetime subscription.



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Hi @Jim_Gatheral,

Thanks for letting me know the issue is resolved and thanks for choosing the lifetime subscription!

It is possible that the router may be playing a part.

Generally we have found ISP-provided gear to be less reliable than standard consumer-grade networking gear (TP-Link/Netgear/Asus/Linksys/etc), so if there are further issues I would suggest temporarily replacing the router to see if it helps.

In any case, do let us know if you run into any further difficulties and we can certainly take another look if so!

Hi @noris,

I use the ISP router because it has a coax connection. Do the other makes you mention have such a connection?


Hi @Jim_Gatheral,

You can put the current router with the Coax connection into “Bridge Mode” where it handles just the “Modem” aspect (converting Coax to Ethernet). Then you can have another router perform the routing on the LAN.

Thank you again @noris!


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