I’ve got a iFi Zen Stream for my headphone setup & a miniDSP SHD Studio for my stereo system.
Number of Tracks in Library
I’ve only got a few albums in my local library. I mainly stream via Qobuz.
Description of Issue
When I go to settings > audio in Roon, neither of my ‘Roon-ready’ devices are listed as options. Both streamers are running the current versions of their software and both are reliably connected to my network. I’m stuck and don’t know what to do.
(Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!)
First quick thoughts here.
Is everything on the same network subnet?
On the Administration page of you Dream Machine, do you see the iMac and Zen Stream listed with the same first group of network addresses aaa.bbb.ccc.xxx where only the .xxx is unique to each device?
Thanks for all the good info, Robert. Starting with the firewall, I can’t find such a setting in Roon. The article just says to turn it off, but doesn’t say where to find it.
The firewall is on your iMac. I am on MacOS 13 now, so want to post a link from Apple on how to make changes to the MacOS firewall as Ventura made some changes to the location of these settings:
Thanks for reaching out. I checked your account diagnostics and I’m seeing your iFi and MiniDSP now appearing properly on your account. Is the issue fully fixed? Can you please let us know what you did to resolve it? Thanks!
Yes, I’ve got them both working now! Big thanks to everyone here for their help. The miniDSP was a simple fix, just enabled Roon via the Volumio web interface & it showed up in Roon. I never figured out what the issue was with the iFi, but resetting to factory then reconfiguring did the trick. Now that I’ve got everything working, I couldn’t be happier.