Roon doesn't show available Album Art?


In my music library i have several album art jpgs per album/folder.
Cover.jpg, front, back, cd, tracks etc.

On my BDP1 i can click the album cover of the playing file to browse the other jpg’s.

Since Roon is a very visually oriented system, i would have thought to be able to show these files too, they are indexed i suppose.
but unfortunately i cant see any jags other the the album cover.
Is there a way? am i missing a setting somehow?


Not yet, this has been discussed many times before and it appears to be part of the plan for the near future. Many people have requested this. There are many other threads discussing this. Here’s one:

hadn’t found it before posting, sorry.

Too bad we only know its somewhere on a roadmap.

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.