Roon downsampling when casting from Qobuz while Qobuz direct casting does not

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows 10 custom built desktop, i7 6700k, 32GB memory

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

PC ethernet to router, WiFi for casting Linksys WRT 1900ac

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Technics SLG700 streamer/DAC/transport connections - coax from PC (plays to 192kHz), WiFi casting from both Chrome and Qobuz. Local files on PC separate drive. Technics machine has Chromecast built-in.
Streamer/DAC connected to to preamp then to power amp

Description Of Issue

Just started using Roon. Playing through coax connection from PC to Technics both Roon and Qobuz play files at the same sound quality.

Casting a higher quality file from Qobuz (96/24), the DAC recognizes it as a 96kHz file. Casting the same piece from Roon coming from Qobuz, the piece is downsampled to 48kHz. I do believe casting has a 96kHz limit.

Any way to ensure casting the higher quality files through Roon goes at the same quality as outside Roon?

The Google Cast is the limiting factor and Roon is down sampling for you to its Maximum capabilities

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That’s what I initially thought but when I cast direct from Qobuz, it will go to 96kHz. If I access Qobuz through Roon and play the same piece, it down samples to 48kHz. Makes me think it’s a Roon issue.

Well, I would say that it is probably a Technics issue. See link below

It looks like this is a limitation with the Technics device:

Additionally with Roon the Technics doesn’t log in as a HiRes-compatible Chromecast device, which is why Roon downsamples everything to 44.1 or 48 kHz, no matter from which source. These errors should however be easily correctable via software updates. As a workaround we recommend streaming Tidal via DLNA from a PC using Audirvana. – Stereo Magazine

Best solution is to buy a proper Roon Bridge with S/PDIF output, like the Allo DigiOne Player. In the plastic case with DietPi, it’s $175 + s/h. DigiOne Player SPDIF Out
This will give you up to 24-bit, 192 kHz. DSD64 may even be possible (I’ve not verified, but the Allo supports this via DoP).

Thanks for the quick responses on this. I see the issue now.

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