Roon Extension and Android App: it'roXs!

Not that, sorry to say, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction


Oddly enough, trying Roon 1.8 on Android just now actually had the casting volume slider and hardware buttons working with Roon even when the phone screen was off. This is withOUT your extension. Then after messing around for a little longer it disappeared. Going to be reading through this thread and checking your extension out but I haven’t seen any posts regarding 1.8 support specifically.

Hi @DanishDevil
just played a little bit with 1.8, but regarding this whole topic, there seem to be no changes at all. No media notification / lock screen support from roon, except when playing directly on the Android device through roon. In this case even the same bugs are present (lock screen shows “No Title”). And my extension(s) still work(s) as before, so at least they did not break anything regarding extensions :wink:

Hi @Boris_Schaedler is there anyway that itRox could transfer play queue to different zones? Is that available in the API? Be useful if it could.

There is a transfer_zone method: “Transfer the current queue from one zone to another”, I will check if/how it works!
Is this functionality available somewhere in a Roon remote? Didn’t use or search for it until now…

Boris yes it is on the volume button on the left/right button that pop up.
It would be a nice little feature.

Yep it’s on all remotes from the speaker menu two arrows. Would save having to reopen Roon app wait for it to connect as its always closed down on its own, choose zone, select transfer. Be good to have it as a one button option in the UI that will transfer current zone playback to the one you want.

Ah, there :wink: thanks Mike and Simon!

How are things with you Boris, I hope you have been keeping well during the pandemic.
Hopefully work has been going well?

All good, thanks! Hope you guys are all well too!
Yes, I have been focusing on my new job for the last few months, so I didn’t have much time to continue working on private projects like it’roXs. Hopefully I will find some time to implement some new features, transfer zone shouldn’t take too long :wink:

Cheers :beers:

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Update is online, extension v1.0.9 and app v1.12:

Cheers :beers:


Wow, amazing> thank you very much.

Nice work Boris.
You could replace Most of the Android apps browsing features, and have almost all the Roon Android user’s buying it’roXs! and even charge an annual fee :+1:

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+1 for browsing.

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It doesn’t seem that the extension can be upgraded from within Roon settings.
Do I need to download the latest version and run it in Dietpi?

Hi Wim you can update it from Settings-Extensions->Extension Manager (assuming you have Extension Manager installed of course)

Then click on Action and Update

Took me ages to remember what to do last week.

Thanks Michael, but I’m on Roon Extension Manager @Dietpi 1.0.0-beta3 so I need to use Extension Snapshots @Dietpi 0.1.1, and that only allows to restart or stop the it’roXs! extension, not update.

Wim I have not used that version as I have been happy with the one I have for a long time (so possibly a good thing).

I had some issues with my Extension Manager on DiePi last year and was in conversation with the web developer who said I needed to delete and reinstall something else to make it work again.

Might be worth asking him in the Extension Manager thread as mine updated as soon as I saw the message from the Android app.

Your on the new branch which Jan is developing. I would ask him about the best way to approach this as the extensions also need to be compatible with his new model I believe. Not moved over to it myself I am running same as Mike but in Qnap container.

I’m not in a hurry as the extension and the app keep working fine.