For Roon connectivity to work properly, both Roon Server and Roon Remote need to be turned on.
· I can't turn on Roon Server, I need help.
Describe the issue
For the past week I have not be able to start Roon. I am not running Roon remotely, it is on the same Mac-Mini I primarily use to access Roon. When I reboot the computer or try to start Roon, a page comes up that says "Waiting for Roon server". Roon normally starts as the computer boots up.
I've tried accessing Roon through my iPad and phone, but I get the same "Waiting for Roon server" message.
Describe your network setup
I don't think this would apply in my case as Roon runs directly on my computer. But... I have a Netgear CM1150V Cable modem, I use an Orbi Mesh Router Model RBR50.
Thank you for your post and we’re sorry to hear you’re encountering issues.
The most common cause for the condition you’ve described is the MacOS local network security features, which can sever RoonServer’s access to the GUI (Roon) via the loopback ethernet interface.
In your MacOS System Settings, navigate to Privacy & Security > Local Network and toggle access for Roon on. If it’s already toggled on, toggle it off and back on.
Your Roon devices are possibly reporting two separate subnets on this network to our servers - the iPhone reads an IP address on one subnet, but the RoonServer is possibly on a second subnet, depending on the subnet mask assigned.
I’d verify that you’ve configured only one subnet on this Orbi network - you’ll also want to double-check a few other settings are optimized for Roon:
Where is your RoonServer connected to the network, relative to the hardware you’ve listed? Is it plugged into the main router via ethernet, or to a mesh node?
I went to Local Network and toggled Roon access on/off, and rebooted the computer afterwards - no change to the issue. Note: curiously Roon is listed twice on the list of local applications allowed to communicate on the network. However, toggling one on/off affects the seconding listing of Roon…
I rebooted the Orbi router and confirmed that the Firmware is current on both the router and the satellite.
The computer running the RoonServer is connected directly to the router using an ethernet cable.
There is only one SubNet configured on my network.
I went through the other Orbi Network troubleshooting steps, but I was unable to locate “Disable IGMP proxying”
There are no other Switches in the network.
I think this issue may have begun with the recent update to macOS Sequoia, Version 15.3.2
Any more things I can try to get Roon to begin working again?
Thanks for giving that a try. I am looking over your account diagnostics and I don’t see your Roon Server as being recently active at all, so I suspect there is something going on with the Roon install itself. Just to clarify, do you see the Roon Server icon in the top right notifications bar as being active? Are you able to manually access your Roon Server logs using these instructions and send us a set for review to the below link?
If you don’t have anything too important associated with the previous Roon install/database, you can try a database refresh and start fresh (or restore from a backup). In case you want to try this, I will provide instructions on how to do so below:
You asked if there is a Roon Server Icon on the top right Notifications (Status Menus) bar - No, there is not an icon for Roon or RoonServer up there. There is a Roon icon on the “Dock” at the bottom of the screen. If I click on that icon, I get a page that has the “Waiting for your Roon Server” notice, and a small black dot appears below the icon.
I copied the Logs for Roon and RoonServer, compressed them and uploaded per your instructions.
About 3 weeks ago I, (with the assistance of Roon Support), did a full database refresh and a fresh install of Roon, as I was unable to upgrade to the latest version of Roon, and it was several years out of date. I can repeat this if you really feel it’s necessary.