Roon GUI artifacts & black window

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

ROCK running Version 1.7 (build 610) stable

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

My desktop and laptop that both run Windows 10 (1903 & 1909) both are getting issues where if I resize the Roon window it becomes black, or if I do not resize the window theres random artifacts on buttons/gui elements. The laptop was working fine before upgrading Roon to build 610, now its acting like the desktop. I’ll attach some screenshots below:

I’ve so far rebooted the ROCK, and re-installed Roon on the desktop, but so far those did not correct the issue. Any help would be appreciated.


Are you using nVidia? This reminds me of Roon 17.0 610 will crash, slow and do weird display

Try reinstalling the graphics drivers.

Hi wklie, you are correct both laptop and desktop have nvidia GPU’s (1080ti and 1050 specifically). I read through most of the posts in the thread of @Fabrice75017 you linked to, and it seems you are right, very similar issue in regards to the artifact’ing. I tried disabling the nvidia device on my laptop (XPS 9560), and that cleared up the issues, so its something with the nvidia device and roon (like in the linked thread). I’ll try reinstalling the nvidia driver to see what that does.

There was an update to for my desktop GPU last night, so I applied it, and rebooted the computer this morning before starting work, and the issue still exists on it (updated driver to 452.06). Unfortunately my desktop is a Ryzen 7 1700, which doesn’t have onboard graphics to be able to disable the nivdia device like the laptop can.

It is clearly the same issue regarding the nVidia drivers and latest Roon build compatibility.
I can confirm the problem exists with any version of the nVidia drivers starting from Roon 610 build ; you can’t do much here but wait for Roon dev team points out the bug and fix it somewhere (unless you want to install another standard/cheaper graphic card and have Roon use it…)

Yeah, its more cosmetic than anything else. Just installed an eGPU (with 1080ti) to the laptop, and same result. It would of been nice to have an archive of all of the previous roon versions, so to just roll back. Will need to test the ‘bleeding edge’ next time in a test system (laptop) prior to upgrading production (desktop) lol.

That’s right, this is my lesson learnt : i won’t upgrade my main laptop first when talking about SW like Roon that you cannot rollback - now i know.

@Fabrice75017 I think I found a so-so workaround for the artifact’ing issue:

  1. I reinstalled Roon on both my laptop/desktop, then:

  2. While Roon is running on both devices, and a Audio source is selected (doesn’t matter if anything is in the queue or not).

  3. Restart Roon Core service.

  4. When Roon Core services are starting, there will be the Roon logo that is artifact’ing.

  5. When it is Roon Core is running, this time the menu systems do not have any artifact’ing.

  • If you remove the audio source, then artifiact’ing will occur.
  • Relaunching Roon doesn’t seem to revert back to what it was before.
  • Resizing Roon Window still causes it to go black.
  1. If the audio source selected is still giving artifact’ing, then try another audio source. For me it seems like my USB DAC (connecting directly to ROCK) audio source is causing the issue more so, than other audio sources on the network.

Update - Just moved the USB DAC (SMSL VMV D1) to my Desktop instead of ROCK, and no artifact’ing thus far.

Is there a more permanent method to deleting audio devices off of Roon Core? I’ve tried Disabling, and rebooting the Core (also unplugging them prior to the reboot). 3 of the audio devices are causing the general artifact’ing issue. The other 5 audio devices do not have the issue. Resizing Roon Window, which results in a black window is constant no matter what is done.

Thank you for pushing this workaround.
Actually, my setup seems a bit different than yours.
Basically, i have a pretty solid QNAP NAS which hosts all the files and runs all Roon services. Then, QNAP multimedia services/DLNA streams over the network and the Linn streamer/player captures and sends this digital signal through SPDIF to my Universal Audio 2192 DAC. So, only one source i would say here and there is no way the setup can be any different in my case.

Hi @Fabrice75017,

Sorry for the delay from the holiday weekend! Would you kindly use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link? Thanks!

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