Roon GUI Closes After Latest Update (ref#1Q1OLF)

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What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Describe the issue

After the latest Roon update the GUI closes itself and only the server side remains active. Before the update everything worked fine.

Describe your network setup

It is not a network problem, the server is seen by all connected devices.

Hello @l.dllcq,

Thanks for reaching out. Can you please let us know the exact local time + date when you experience the next crash? We’ll enable diagnostics mode for your account to see if we can gather more info in the logging. Also, is there any trigger for the crash? Does it happen on a specific screen in Roon, or always on startup?

Hi Noris,
thank you for your support. The GUI also closed this afternoon May 1st while I was listening to an internet radio just before 4pm (utc+2). No action performed, listening continued without interruption, the interface simply closed shortly before two hours of listening without any input. I’m doing other tests, if you need any particular tests, log files or anything else feel free to ask.

05/01 14:16:28 Trace: [realtime] fetching time from NTP server
05/01 14:16:28 Trace: [broo/imagecache] loaded 43 cache entries from C:\Users\Luca\AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\brooimages_1\index.db, current: 512mb / 1mb
05/01 14:16:28 Warn: [orbit] init failed due to Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer. (Parameter 'bytes'), reiniting
05/01 14:16:28 Trace: [realtime] Got time from NTP: 01/05/2024 12:16:22 UTC (3923554582750ms)
05/01 14:16:28 Trace: [realtime] Updated clock skew to -00:00:05.6681652 (-5668,1652ms)
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: 22 WGL Extensions:
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 0: WGL_EXT_depth_float
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 1: WGL_ARB_buffer_region
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 2: WGL_ARB_extensions_string
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 3: WGL_ARB_make_current_read
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 4: WGL_ARB_pixel_format
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 5: WGL_ARB_pbuffer
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 6: WGL_EXT_extensions_string
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 7: WGL_EXT_swap_control
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 8: WGL_ARB_multisample
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 9: WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 10: WGL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 11: WGL_ARB_create_context
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 12: WGL_ARB_create_context_profile
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 13: WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 14: WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 15: WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 16: WGL_NV_DX_interop
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 17: WGL_NV_DX_interop2
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 18: WGL_ARB_robustness_application_isolation
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 19: WGL_ARB_robustness_share_group_isolation
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 20: WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: WGL Extension 21: WGL_ARB_context_flush_control
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: Pixel format found: Pixel format 5: Type 202B, Accel 2027, 32bpp (R8G8B8A8), 24 depth bits, 8 stencil bits, 64 accum bits, sRGB capable: True
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: Successfully created OpenGL Context using wglCreateContextAttribsARB
05/01 14:16:28 Trace: DWM Composition: 1, using swap interval: 0
05/01 14:16:28 Trace: Direct Manipulation init: 2E855E00, initialized: True
05/01 14:16:28 Warn: Could not find function: "glTextureBarrierNV"
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 - Build
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL Vendor: Intel
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL Renderer: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 750
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL Shader Language: 4.60 - Build
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension count: 241
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 0: GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 1: GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 2: GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 3: GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 4: GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 5: GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 6: GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 7: GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 8: GL_ARB_base_instance
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 9: GL_ARB_bindless_texture
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 10: GL_ARB_blend_func_extended
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 11: GL_ARB_buffer_storage
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 12: GL_ARB_cl_event
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 13: GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 14: GL_ARB_clear_texture
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 15: GL_ARB_clip_control
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 16: GL_ARB_color_buffer_float
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 17: GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 18: GL_ARB_compute_shader
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 19: GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 20: GL_ARB_conservative_depth
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 21: GL_ARB_copy_buffer
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 22: GL_ARB_copy_image
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 23: GL_ARB_cull_distance
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 24: GL_ARB_debug_output
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 25: GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 26: GL_ARB_depth_clamp
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 27: GL_ARB_depth_texture
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 28: GL_ARB_derivative_control
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 29: GL_ARB_direct_state_access
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 30: GL_ARB_draw_buffers
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 31: GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 32: GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 33: GL_ARB_draw_indirect
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 34: GL_ARB_draw_instanced
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 35: GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 36: GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 37: GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 38: GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 39: GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 40: GL_ARB_fragment_program
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 41: GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 42: GL_ARB_fragment_shader
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 43: GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 44: GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 45: GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 46: GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 47: GL_ARB_geometry_shader4
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 48: GL_ARB_get_program_binary
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 49: GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 50: GL_ARB_gl_spirv
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 51: GL_ARB_gpu_shader5
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 52: GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 53: GL_ARB_half_float_pixel
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 54: GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 55: GL_ARB_indirect_parameters
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 56: GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 57: GL_ARB_internalformat_query
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 58: GL_ARB_internalformat_query2
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 59: GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 60: GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 61: GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 62: GL_ARB_multi_bind
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 63: GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 64: GL_ARB_multisample
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 65: GL_ARB_multitexture
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 66: GL_ARB_occlusion_query
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 67: GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 68: GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 69: GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 70: GL_ARB_point_parameters
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 71: GL_ARB_point_sprite
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 72: GL_ARB_polygon_offset_clamp
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 73: GL_ARB_post_depth_coverage
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 74: GL_ARB_program_interface_query
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 75: GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 76: GL_ARB_query_buffer_object
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 77: GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 78: GL_ARB_robustness
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 79: GL_ARB_robustness_isolation
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 80: GL_ARB_sample_shading
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 81: GL_ARB_sampler_objects
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 82: GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 83: GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 84: GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
05/01 14:16:28 Debug: OpenGL extension 85: GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops
05/01 15:30:11 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1068 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:30:26 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1063 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:30:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 50mb Managed, 1055 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:30:57 Info: [stats] 2102587mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1057 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:31:12 Info: [stats] 2102595mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1078 Handles, 29 Threads
05/01 15:31:27 Info: [stats] 2102592mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1081 Handles, 27 Threads
05/01 15:31:42 Info: [stats] 2102595mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1088 Handles, 29 Threads
05/01 15:31:57 Info: [stats] 2102592mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 973 Handles, 27 Threads
05/01 15:32:12 Info: [stats] 2102593mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 977 Handles, 28 Threads
05/01 15:32:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 974 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:32:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 985 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:32:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 986 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:33:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 993 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:33:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 988 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:33:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 972 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:33:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 449mb Physical, 43mb Managed, 973 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:34:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 984 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:34:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 985 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:34:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 996 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:34:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 998 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:35:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1002 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:35:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 449mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 988 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:35:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 997 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:35:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 992 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:36:12 Info: [stats] 2102590mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1002 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:36:27 Info: [stats] 2102587mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1005 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:36:42 Info: [stats] 2102590mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1007 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:36:57 Info: [stats] 2102587mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1009 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:37:12 Info: [stats] 2102590mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1018 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:37:27 Info: [stats] 2102587mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1001 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:37:42 Info: [stats] 2102590mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1011 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:37:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1000 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:38:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1012 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:38:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1012 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:38:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1021 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:38:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1025 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:39:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1034 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:39:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1009 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:39:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1020 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:39:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1017 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:40:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1028 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:40:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1023 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:40:42 Info: [stats] 2102597mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1045 Handles, 30 Threads
05/01 15:40:57 Info: [stats] 2102592mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1027 Handles, 27 Threads
05/01 15:41:12 Info: [stats] 2102594mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1031 Handles, 28 Threads
05/01 15:41:27 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 1032 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:41:42 Info: [stats] 2102594mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1043 Handles, 28 Threads
05/01 15:41:57 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 1046 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:42:12 Info: [stats] 2102594mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1048 Handles, 28 Threads
05/01 15:42:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1045 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:42:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1041 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:42:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 43mb Managed, 1042 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:43:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 1041 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:43:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1044 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:43:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1054 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:43:57 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 43mb Managed, 1060 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:44:12 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 979 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:44:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 976 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:44:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 988 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:44:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 973 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:45:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 985 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:45:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 985 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:45:42 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 976 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:45:57 Info: [stats] 2102588mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 976 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:46:12 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 987 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:46:27 Info: [stats] 2102588mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 967 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:46:42 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 978 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:46:57 Info: [stats] 2102588mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 981 Handles, 24 Threads
05/01 15:47:12 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 992 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:47:27 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 997 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:47:42 Info: [stats] 2102595mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 1013 Handles, 29 Threads
05/01 15:47:57 Info: [stats] 2102592mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 1011 Handles, 27 Threads
05/01 15:48:12 Info: [stats] 2102594mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 981 Handles, 28 Threads
05/01 15:48:27 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 981 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:48:42 Info: [stats] 2102592mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 49mb Managed, 988 Handles, 27 Threads
05/01 15:48:57 Info: [stats] 2102591mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 46mb Managed, 991 Handles, 26 Threads
05/01 15:49:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 50mb Managed, 995 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:49:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 995 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:49:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 1003 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:49:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 997 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:50:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 980 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:50:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 982 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:50:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 993 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:50:57 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 47mb Managed, 973 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:51:12 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 44mb Managed, 982 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:51:27 Info: [stats] 2102586mb Virtual, 448mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 983 Handles, 23 Threads
05/01 15:51:42 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 45mb Managed, 980 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:51:57 Info: [stats] 2102589mb Virtual, 447mb Physical, 48mb Managed, 989 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 15:51:59 Debug: [windowpos] saving pos=-8,-8,1936,1056
05/01 15:51:59 Trace: [roondns] flushed 2 last-known-good entries

05/01 17:25:29 Info: [stats] 2102751mb Virtual, 610mb Physical, 74mb Managed, 1017 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 17:25:44 Info: [stats] 2102751mb Virtual, 610mb Physical, 75mb Managed, 1024 Handles, 25 Threads
05/01 17:25:52 Debug: [windowpos] saving pos=M-8,-8,1936,1056

Another interface crash after 10 minutes of listening to a song on local ssd. No input here either.

Thanks for responding with this information. Based on this I can say that The failure is occurring in Roon while RAATServer is unaffected. Let’s do a refresh of your server with the steps below.

  • Create a Backup of your current database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
  • Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup

Let me know if this solves your issue.

Hi Daniel, thanks for your suggestions.
The problem persists even after reinstalling the Roon App. I connected it to the existing Roon server on the same PC, perhaps I should also rename the RoonServer folder and install a new server? How about installing everything from scratch? I saw that by installing only the app you still see all the songs and the problem is born with the last database/app update…
Thanks for the support.

We’ve had the dev team look at your issue and they had a few questions: Does this still happen when your Roon GUI (i.e. the user interface) is not in full screen? We may have a solution if you can confirm that the full screen is causing the problem.

Hi Daniel, I did a lot of testing this weekend and I can confirm that the windowed GUI is stable (I tested for 4/5 hours). In full screen mode, however, it closes after 30/60 minutes. Very strange behavior.
Thanks a lot.

Thanks for getting me that information. I’ll bring it to the team and get back to you as soon as we know more.