Roon has an incorrect title for a track

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Roon Nucleus Operating system 1.0 Build 183
Roon Servers Software 1.7 Build 5.21
Roon Labs Software 1.0 Build 12

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Ethernet connection

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)*
Sim Audio DAC 390D

Description Of Issue
I have A billboard cd 1967 and one of the tracks displays incorrectly on the roon application
I have deleted and reloaded the CD and it did not correct the issue.
What is odd is that if i select the track in roon and if i re-scan, re-identify, re-analyze ) roon changes to the correct track name and then changes back to the wrong name.

How do I fix this issue

Hi @Phil_G,

Can you share some screenshots of what you’re seeing here?


attached is the data you have requested
It was trick but i took a video of your roon tool doing a re identify and froze to capture this.
The correct song is respect by aritha franklin, the file meta data show this,
Again i deleted and reinserted the entrire cd and this will not correct.

I also have other cds with this same issue

When you look at the images i sent, the on the left was a snapshot during the video i took when i chose to reidentify the file. Where roon displayed the correct title then changed back to the incorrect title, the one on the right (kind of a drag) what is what you see all the time.

Thanks for the image, @Phil_G.

Can you share a screenshot of top of the album page, showing the album information? We are going to look into this, but I want to be sure we are looking at this for the correct album.

Hi Dylan, so yesterday i selected prefer file and the correct title is showing. 2nd your user guide says this may be related to your database and you folk look into this. Now on to you question, what are you looking meaning album information for and how do i get this information. The cd title Billboard top rock and roll hits 1967

Hi @Phil_G,

Our team did some further investigation here and we believe we found the issue. We’ve passed a ticket along to our developers to investigate further. We appreciate the feedback on this!

This is just awesome!
I have a few other titles i am checking, one being the wrecking crew titles. I will let you know. On that one the songs titles are out of order but i want to dig deeper and confirm everything. for that let me know if you prefer another ticket

3 posts were split to a new topic: Stoned Immaculate incorrect track title

Hi Dylan, is this fixed yet. and Do I keep sending you notes here when I find other tracks/albums that are incorrect?

Hi @Phil_G. Please would you verify whether or not this is now fixed?

I will check today and get back with you

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