Roon in Hungarian

We have started the Hungarian translation and would like to extend the translators. I would need some help, how I could predefine the common words, as a basis.
Could you please help me in this?

Afterward additional volunteers are searched to help in the translation process.
Thanks a lot


Hi, something is stack, I can not access the Hungarian translation part, please help me to proceed!

just try clicking ‘see all translations’ find ones to do there… the automatic finder may be failing since you have personally translated most of the text.

Unfortunatly this was the first I’ve tried, so it did not help. I’ve tried to access from my other account it was the same. But now it looks to work finally!

Short addition: From my Penna-Poor account is still not accessible.

Hi Danny - it does not work again, Now for both of my accounts, I can not continue.

did you see my comment up above?

Hi! I am trying to translate the remaining phrases to Hungarian. 2 questions:

  1. I have done some 6% of the translations but none of them are visible in the Roon interface. How often do you update the languages? If a phrase is considered oldish, or not understandable for most Hungarian users and I have updated it, when will they appear on the Roon interface?
  2. I would like to focus on the untranslated phrases, is there a way to filter the list to show ONLY the untranslated phrases? I would like to reach the 100% for Hungarian…:slight_smile:
    Regards, Gyorgy,15

See all those untranslated strings?

we generally update on releases. you need to downvote the bad translation or add a new one

thanks, now it is easier to translate them! Regards, Gy

Dear Roon,
I have done 13% of the translation. Only the newly translated phrases are visible, but still NONE of my corrections have appeared in the app…:frowning: I have always downvoted the wrong ones and added the coorrected ones but nothing. Not a good feeling after working on it several days. Believe me there are lots of misspells, oldish phrases and pure mistranslations, so please update! Thanks, @Gyorgy_Hild

Hi guys, do you need help? Happy to jump in, just let me know!
Great initiative, by the way! Kudos to you!

Hi @Tom_Fazakas
It’s great! There are quite a couple of untranslated phrases there. And there are lots of phrases that need better translations!
The problem is that Roon simply doesn’t update the Hungarian translation for ages, I don’t know why…:frowning: