An interesting example of how the user experience shapes the overall acceptance of a product and its fit for purpose. While the Numio seems to exude quality, that design decision in the user experience knocks it into second place behind the Symfonisk equivalent.
Very much so – and I really wanted to like the Nuimo (would have bought a handful, as I did with the Symfonisk remotes). There’s really nothing to like about the IKEA stuff, except that it works as it should.
All that said, I love the tactile experience for volume and music control. I also like the iPort xPress in my kitchen, located conveniently next to the coffee maker. One button push and the house fills with Apple’s Baroque station.
Can’t wait for IKEA’s shortcut buttons to arrive (at €9,95 each :-)) – I can envision a row of playlist buttons at various locations around the house (he said, whilst his Ring doorbell makes the Big Ben chime on the Living Room Sonos… D*mn – I should write up the fun I’m having someday… ;-)).
After initially looking at the extension and not getting all too far with it, my super ghetto way of using the ortho remote in Windows is to script it with Auto Hot Keys.
I should look at the keyboard-remote extension again, it’s the proper and ideal way because it doesn’t need a running windows system.
Hi guys out there, someone still interested in Nuimo integration for Roon?
I seem to be a bit of a specialist regading Microsoft Surface Dial and SpaceMouse Wireless integration for Roon (
I got a mail of one of my customers asking for it. From my first look on it I say:
It is probably possible so, why not
Yes it is expensive but really so well done with it’s display and it’s touch pad. It was produced completely in Germany by a startup. I think with the focus on Sonos they targeted the wrong market for this well done expensive device. The right target would have been the High End Audio market with Roon.
I was told by one of the Senic team that Nuimo is no more in production and Sonos sells the kits they still have. So this may be a chace for you to buy this beautiful product and for me to integrate it.
Any opinions on this?
Um - the Nuimo Control is a discontinued product…
As I wrote above. Sonos sells what they still have
Senic Nuimo Control Starter Kit | Sonos
Hi René,
currently I work on integrating Nuimo with
Your point with tapping is correct with the Senic implementation. What I currently did is preventing Nuimo go to deep sleep. This has two advantages:
- Nuimo never disappears and has to be woken up by tapping
- Turning the ring gives an immediate reaction, no time delay at all.
I now run a long time test to see how big the implications are on battery life.
I expect it’ll have a big impact, given how poor the battery life already is. That said, I would not mind having mine plugged in at all times as a static controller somewhere.
The Nuimo Control is an absolute turd and I don’t know what to do with mine. The hardware is great and really well made. The setup is buggy, the operation is buggy, the connection is very unreliable and has a short range, the battery life sucks and its just a mess to use in practice. It would be well worth its price if it actually worked, but so far I’ve gone all in on IKEA’s Sonos remotes instead and I’m not sure what to do with my Nuimo. Maybe rip out the innards and put an IKEA remote in there.
as you said, hardware is great and really well made. I could only agree with that with enthusiasm.
It’s all about software!! I don’t use the supplied hub but me and @Klaus_Engel currently program our own integration for Roon on the rooExtend platform.
I got a new Nuimo last week. Keeping it alive artificially (heartbeat each 4,5s) the battery last for more than 30 hours. Doing Hearbeat only if Roon does playback you have very long run until batteries have to be recharged. This is especially true because in this scenario Nuimo never was switches off. This is really no con for me.
Connection Nuimo to rooExtend is in no way unreliable. We currently run our prototype software with big success here! Regarding the max distance: It nicely works up to 6m away from rooExtend, absolutely sufficient for our listening position.
I don’t talk of controlling Sonos with Nuimo. People spending 250€ for a spreaker are probably not the guys spending 300€ for a Nuimo! Why not use Ikea if it is sufficient?
Our Numimo support for rooExtend is for serious Roon users who are spending thousands of euros on their equipment. I am sure they will be fascinated by this well-made product and our integration into rooExtend regardless of the cost.
After feeling the Nuimo quality once, I don’t really want to use the Microsoft Surface Dial anymore.
Best DrCWO
The Nuimo Control is a beautifully designed and built device. I agree, with good software they could be perfect! Look forward to trying this out.
@DrCWO I have quite a few Nuimo Control’s, so would be very happy to test the new integration. When do you think a version will be ready?
Hi Anton_C,
good news for you
The current version of Nuimo integration looks quite stable now. @Klaus_Engel worked a lot on it polishing its features. My part was the license manager that will be included in the next version, the integration of Roon Bridge and some improvements of the Linux system.
I also worked on a replacement SD-Card for the Nuimo Hub! The image of it will be published together with the new release of rooExtend v2.0.0. Nuimo Hub will only support rooNuimo. Not rooDial, roo6D or rooUPnP. But if you like to get a perfect controller for Roon only, this will be your choice.
This means the Nuimo currently sold by Sonos can be used as a Roon Controller without a Raspberry Pi. You just have to replace the SD-card and add a Bluetooth USB-Stick. The Nuimo Hub will run only with wired ethernet. We saw this was a much more stable solution so we decided to drop WiFi for the Nuimo Hub. People owning an elder Nuimo without Hub can use it with a Pi4.
Now the timeline:
I plan to finish fixing the last bugs till end of this week. If somebody is interested I am still looking for beta testers. Next week I plan to prepare the webpage for rooNuimo and rearrange all my videos. So my plan is to release the v2.0.0 on June 19.
Best DrCWO
Great news!
I would like to be a beta tester.
I do not currently own a Nuimo Hub, so will use probably use a Pi. Is there a benefit to purchasing a hub if I can find one, or will the Pi4 image have all the same functionality? Will the Nuimo Hub (or the Pi4) support multiple Nuimos? I am planning on having a few around the house, so originally planned to use a few Pi’s (Pi Zero W’s?) due to the short range of the Nuimo Control? And finally, what would be really cool, is if I could install the Nuimo Hub image as a Docker image on Hifiberry OS, as these are already installed all over the house on Pi4’s so would mean I don’t need to buy more Pi’s? More info here on this option here - hifiberry-os/ at master · hifiberry/hifiberry-os · GitHub. I guess if this is possible, it would also work for any Pi with Docker installed, such as DietPi?
Sorry for all the questions, but very excited to start testing and working out the best way to get these up and running!
So many questions, let’s start…
- The benefit using the Nuimo Hub is, that you don’t have to buy a Pi if you own it.
- Nuimo Hub only serves the Nuimo device. No Roon Bridge or rooUPnP is included
- rooNuimo (on Hub or Pi) can only support ONE Nuimo device. Using more Nuimos you need more Pis
- Pi zero W should do the job. We found WiFi is not as good as a wired Ethernet as the latency is higher. So I recommend to go wired. For Pi zero w Ethernet hats are available.
I do not plan to offer a docker image. My approach is to support music enthusiasts without technical skills. So rooExtend is made to be a plug and play solution. I follow the tread of the roon extension manager (a great product ) and saw all the postings of desperate people. In my eyes this approach is too complicated for a lot of folks.
On the other hand, building a Docker version is quite an effort and I don’t see how it pays off. Maybe Roon Bridge included in the v2.0.0. image will help you a bit…
We finally made it:
Senic Nuimo can be used with Roon
More see my website
Best DrCWO
Today I was in Berlin visiting Senic, the manufacturer of the Nuimo.
They made me an offer for Brand new Nuimos. Please see my posting here.
rooNuimo – best Roon controller ever - Audio Gear Talk - Roon Labs Community
Best DrCWO
Hi DrCWO, I have the Hub and Nuimo Click. Just want to what software I need from you to connect to my Bluetooth devices and playmmusic.
Hello, i,am new in this forum .
I nees some help info .
Olso new with Roon software
What do i have .
Rasperry pi 3b+
Iancanada I2s hat
Senic nuimo controller.
Roonuimo Software + key.
So how to setup this hardware .
I have some info for Mister DrCWO (thanks for fast info)i have to install the software
ARMv8 img. On my Rasperry pi.
But i dont geht how to start by 0.
No ropieee xl no Roon. ?
Only ARmv8 ?
Thanks for Help.
Bart Wolters.