Roon is displaying 2 or 3 copies of each album


Can you post a screen shot of Roon’s Watched Folder configuration.

when I follow your instructions, this is what I get

did you try already to modify your “Ignored Paths” to
/tmp/; /temp/; /.; .pmbmf/; /@recycle/

no but I will do it right now
after this, what do I do? a force rescan?

rescan should not be necessary.

I was playing an album when I did the “@recycle” and the album stopped playing and got this:

Maybe an album was displayed or playing that was stored in your qnaps recycle folder. What happens when you browse back to the overview page?

you’re right, it was also on the recycle folder, however, there are still quite a number of albums in the recycle folder. I have figured out how to remove the folder within the QNAP but, is there a way to remove them from Roon? I know you can do it from “remove duplicates” but, is there a way to remove all, rather than one by one?

When you modified the „ignored path“ settings as described above, there should no longer tracks from that directory appear in Roon.
If you still see duplicates, check their path again to see where these tracks are located.

Regarding the recycle folder: you can disable the recycle bin option in the settings of the shared folder in the qnap administration, if you do not want to use this feature.

these are samples of what I get, looks like path is the same…

Hi @Denis_Fiallos,

  1. Make sure you only have one Roon watched folder configured that’s looking at this share on your QNAP.

  2. Stop the Roon Core and then restart it.

  3. Roon Settings —> Library—> Clean up Library.

Let us now if this helps.

PS in the example you posted above, have you checked that only one set of album files are present on your QNAP?

thank you Carl
some of this stuff is a bit over my head, for instance, how to get to “Roon watch folder”?
on the QNAP, on the “music folder” I created, there is only one copy of each album, however, on the @recycle folder, there are some of the same albums.
the QNAP is new and before starting using Roon, I put all of my music in it, organized in different folders, i.e. jazz, easy listening, brasil, latin, HD Tracks, etc. I had some duplicates which I deleted, guess these are the ones that ended up on the @recycle folder?
i’m afraid to delete the @recycle folder for fear I may lose some of my albums?

Roon —> Settings —> Storage
You would have gone in there when you first setup Roon. I asked if you could post a screen of it at little earlier in this topic.

Are you aware of the Roon Knowledge Base, is a really good reference and how to guide?

here it is:

I copied the path straight from file explorer

Thanks for screen image, it confirms you only have one watched folder configured.

Next up is to power off the NUC running the Roon Core and then restart it. This will get Roon into a known state and it will rescan the files in the Watched folder.

Do that and then check to see if it improves things.

Create a new folder (not in Music share) on your QNAP and move the folders / files from @recycle to it. This way you can get them back if need.

OK, I have moved the @recycle folder to an external hard drive, to keep it outside of everything.
I have also disabled on the QNAP the @recycle folder.
I turned off NUC and turned back on.
Now waiting to see what happens.
Thanks for all your help and patience!

No worries, it’s good that we can help each other out.
Let us know how you get once post reboot.

Hi Carl, seems like it’s working now.
I think I finally figured out what happened, at least with some of the duplicates, for instance, I checked further on one of the duplicates, turns out that either Roon or QNAP put the same album on two different folders: found same album under “latin” folder and also under “jazz” folder.

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FYI. Roon does not move your files nor does it write tags to your files.