Roon is very slow (again)

Windows 10 PC 64 bits

Asus MoBo/intel Core i5-2500k CPU/8 Go RAM

Roon 1.7 (build 571)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Arris TM722G Cable Modem/Ethernet/Asus RT-N66U/Ethernet/Sonore OpticalModule/Ethernet Fiber/Sonore OpticalRendu/USB/Benchmark DAC3HGC

Description Of Issue @support

I have written about this issue 2 weeks ago, with partial resolution. When I try to play a downloaded album either from Tidal or local network album it can take up to a minute before Roon reacts. Same when I try to skip tracks on an album.Yesterday the issue appeared again and I was fortunate to have the Windows 10 Task Manager operating. Here is a screen shot indicating what was going on:

Once the Roon request was completed, memory usage dropped from 72% (66% when I did the screen shot) to 42% and energy consumption dropped to ‘Low’. Roon ran correctly afterwards.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Roon is slow since last Google network failure