Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.
· No, the issue remains the same
Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.
· No, the issue remains the same
Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet
· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*
Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?
· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect
Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?
· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect
Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.
· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help
What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?
· *MacOS*
Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup
· *Mesh networks*
You mentioned a mesh network in your setup. Certain common mesh networks might require slight reconfiguration to support Roon.
· None of the above
Describe the issue
After every update of Roon, including the latest one, it loses contact with my 3 connected network devices, a Trinnov and 2 Ultra Rendus. Until the latest update, this could be remedied by rebooting the Mac Mini M1 which where I have Roon server. I have done this many times, and it won't connect with any devices, asking me to "Choose and audio zone". To be clear, it was working before your latest update. There is nothing wrong with my Mac Mini or my network. The Trinnov and one of my Ultra Rendus are connected by ethernet; the other Ultra Rendu is connected by TP-Decco mesh.
Thank you for your post. Recaptcha issues most commonly arise in Firefox due to corrupted cookies or adblock extensions. Please try clearing the cookies are fully restarting the browser with adblocker extensions temporarily turned off. Let us know if this helps.
Concerning your devices not appearing, RoonServer diagnostic logging that has reached our servers indicates the Trinnov and the two Ultra Rendus can announce themselves to Roon on the network. This mesh network supports multicast and Roon can reach RAATServer through the loopback so it’s not likely that a network setting is the issue.
After announcing themselves to Roon, however, RoonServer can’t find a reliable network pathway to reach these three endpoints. These failures correspond to RAATServer crashing after startup.
Please open Roon on the Mac Mini alongside the Activity Monitor (Applications → Utilities → Activity Monitor). If you sort alphabetically by process name, you should see RAATServer running alongside Roon/RoonServer.
Now, refresh the Settings → Audio page in Roon using the looped arrow icon. Do you see RAATServer crash in activity monitor?
During testing, try restricting the machine to a single connection (ethernet or WiFi) instead of both and refreshing the Settings → Audio page.
Lastly, for due diligence, it’s worth re-verifying that RoonServer has local network permission in Privacy & Security > Local Network.
Somehow, in the updating, the “Privacy and Security-Local Network” setting switched off Roon Server (but not Roon). Again, running fine before the update, not touched by me at any time. Turning the switch back on solved the problem. This seemed like a bit of an afterthought in your suggestions, but proved to be the crux of the matter. I’m a bit curious as to why, but all’s well that ends well.
David- thks for your post, it was very helpful :). New Roon serving fm MAC Laptop. I also lost all devices after update. Just restored using your insights! Worrying that u experienced issues with every update Luckily I have my new Nucleus ready to migrate to- hope that goes easily. Regards.