Roon loses control of device with sample rate change -Ventura OS 13.2.1 and Metric Halo ULN8_3d driver

Roon Core Machine

Waversa Wcore 2.0, Linux, 4GB ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Edgerouter X, on ethernet, not using vpn

Connected Audio Devices

Metric Halo ULN-8 mkIV connected to MBP M1 Pro 16GB via dedicated ethernet, MBP is connected to network via wired ethernet. Using Roon Bridge app to allow control via IOS devices.

Number of Tracks in Library

only 250GB Flac files on Core SSD but additional Quboz tracks in library.

Description of Issue

Using the Metric Halo as Core audio Device on the MBP M1 Pro with 13.2.1 Ventura Roon loses control of the device when sample rate changes. Reclick Play and it then plays at the new sample rate. Therefore no continuous play possible with rate changes. Have latest driver and firmware for the Metric Halo ULN-8 mkIV. Have Exclusive Mode setting turned ON.

Initially with this issue running Roon player on the MBP the error to effect Roon lost control of the audio device would display but now it does not display the message but just stops play. Via iPad I see the message. Does not do this on an older 2012 MBP running latest Catalina.

Metric Halo ULN-8 driver Issue with this MBP and Ventura version? Or is Roon Core involved? Any way to determine?



hi Steve, looks like you are not the only one. maybe this works

Thanks for passing this on. I tried it but with no luck. The brief message in the Roon app stating Roon lost control of the audio device is now back but play stops. I may revert my Mac OS and stay with that until the issues are resolved. I used to pay more attention to early issues with new OS releases before upgrading but didn’t this time and here we are…Best, Steve

Same here, that is why I reenabled time machine after so many years

Sorry it did not work

Went back to Monterey OS and same issue. Also Roon Bridge will not start now. Reinstalled it with no success, The hole is getting deeper…

Maybe try to use another bridge device to see if there is the same problem?

I have a streaming dac with Ethernet input as a Roon endpoint that doesn’t have the issue. I did a totally clean install this 2nd time not migrating anything from my prior backup and still have the issue. It’s either the device Mac driver or Roon/Mac driver error based on things so far. Have asked the device manufacturer for the prior version driver to help isolate. At this point I’m ready to move on and get a new network player to feed the dac. Tired of the hassle. Reminds me of the 90s when windows os versions and app system drivers was always a crap shoot for developing apps. Things change and then they don’t…

Not sure why Roon support has not responded either.

Thanks again for the suggestions.


looks like that is a solution

They usually do, sometimes a week or so.


Does Roon support respond to support posts?

Hey @Steven_Johnson,

Thanks for your patience while we work through each thread. :+1:

Following up here, could you first please try refreshing your RAAT Server database:

You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the Roon App to generate a new RAATServer folder

If you continue to experience this issue after the above, please reproduce the issue and share the specific date and time the issue occurred. I’ll be on standby for your reply. :pray:

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