Roon lost library and re-imported by itself

Hello, I had a weird situation pop up this morning. I have Roon Core running on a Mac Mini w/ 128GB SSD and my library on a NAS + Tidal streaming. Not a huge library at ~500. Use my iDevices as remotes.

I got this all setup on Friday and everything was good. I went to listen this morning and it took a long time for Remote to connect, so I logged onto the Mac Mini and made sure Roon was still running. When it was up it began importing my albums all over again.

Is there anything that caused this or anything I did wrong to make this happen? Thank you.

Hi @CANiSLAYu ---- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. Both are appreciated!

Moving forward, to help me better understand this behavior you are reporting to us, may I very kindly ask you for the following:

  • A screenshot of your “storage” tab in “settings”. I want to see how you have the NAS mounted in Roon.

  • Please verify that you are using either SMBV2 or SMB3 sharing, and that AFP is NOT being used as specified in our knowledge base. Furthermore, please also confirm that JUMBO frames are not being used as well.

  • Please provide the make/model of the storage device you are using.



Yes, I used SMB when specifying the path
3TB Seagate Personal Cloud

Thank you!

Hi @CANiSLAYu ---- Thank you for the follow up! Very appreciated!

Moving forward, I must apologies as I should have been more specific with my second bullet point above. I see from the screenshot that you’re using an SMB share but I would like to understand what implementation you are using (i.e SMBV2 or V3). With this in mind, can you please provide me a screenshot of the “sharing” settings you are using on the mentioned Seagate NAS?

Lastly, we are aware of some issues (generally speaking), between the way OSX interacts with network based storage devices. We’ve found that many NAS devices have issues properly communicating changes to OSX in particular. Basically, when OSX is aware of a change on the network drive, it lets us know and we update your library immediately, but we don’t always get that notification in as timely a manner as we would like.

However, in certain situations OSX can be unaware of changes, particularly if they are made directly to the network drive without Finder (on the Core machine) being involved. If OSX fails to notice the changes, Roon isn’t notified, and the changes don’t show up in your library until a rescan is triggered.

Unfortunately, we’ve found that most NAS’s just silently report a subset of events, or none at all. We did some research and found that just about every piece of software that attempts to do “real time watching” on NAS’s eventually runs into this limitation, and supplements it with a periodic scan of the storage folder. Plex does it, JRiver does it, so do others, and so does Roon (Brian our CTO discussed some of that here).

I should mention that a few things have changed since then. We have some new plans for improving our real-time scanning, but I don’t have a time frame to report on when that work will happen. In the meantime, we’ve also made the rescan period configurable, so you can have Roon scan more or less often depending on your situation.


Sorry about that. Networking is definitely not my forte! I’m not sure my NAS GUI makes it clear what SMB implementation it is using.:

I don’t see SMB mentioned anywhere else and checked the user manual as well and there’s no additional info.

Hi @CANiSLAYu ----- Thank you for the follow up and my apologies for the slow response here.

Moving forward, I took a look at the provided screenshot and I am not seeing anything mention of what version SMB is being used on the mentioned Seagate device. A few things…

  • If you click “share access” next to SMB what come up?

  • Are there any advanced sharing options in the GUI?

  • I noticed that AFP has a “green” dot next to it, which I am assuming indicates that it is currently active. Have you tried disabling this function?

09 PM


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.