Roon Music Dropouts - Sonore opticalRendu


Sorry for the delayed response here. We had hoped to get back to you sooner.

I noticed these remarks in your post above: Finally, I decided to remove the OpticalRendu from the chain and return to my original setup; Mac mini usb output directly into my Holo Audio DAC. I’ve been playing music with this setup for probably over an hour or so and I haven’t had a single music dropout yet.

This would seem to suggest the problem that you’re encountering is isolated to the Sonore device. You also mentioned in communications with Noris that on one occasion the OpticalRendu was extremely hot to the touch and had gone completely dark in Roon, in addition to suffering a dropout. It wasn’t until you removed it from power and allowed it to sit unused for some time that you were able to enable it again.

That furthers our suspicion that what you’re experiencing is a result of the device. Please reach out to Sonore or your dealer for next steps. You may have a bad unit. We hope that they can provide you with some insight.

@jamie I am in contact with Small Green Computer, which is who I purchased the Sonore opticalRendu from and was advised to contact Roon support. I understand your conclusion mentioned in your response, but does this mean my request for Roon to place my account in diagnostic mode denied? Or, even review my logs to see if any details revealed the possibility of Roon causing dropouts? My request seems fair and reasonable, given the patience I’ve displayed with Roon support’s response time.


Try changing the resync delay under the audio device settings in Roon for the oR. I haven’t had any issues with dropouts with my oR, but was with my mR using Bridge, and setting it at 2000ms has solved that.

@Charles_Peterson, I did take your advice and change my resync setting to 2000ms and I still received music dropouts. This setting seems to address a delay for the DAC to prepare to switch between different sample rates. My music dropouts occur in the middle of a song, not during format or sample rate switching. I have had long delays in between songs from time to time, but the opticalRendu was not in the chain in these past experiences. I’m done with it and returning the opticalRendu back to the retailer. Roon disappointed me the way they handled my situation and I have two family members that became Roon subscribers after I recommended their music player. They could have at least took a look at my Roon Logs as I was trying to do a process of elimination between Roon and the Sonore opticalRendu. Thanks so much for your help!

Hi @DBT,

I apologize for any confusion my previous post may have caused. My intention wasn’t to imply that we wouldn’t be pulling diagnostics, and that you should reach out to Sonore instead.

I was encouraging you to reach back out to Sonore right away because we have seen the overheating and associated endpoint disappearance in Roon result in an RMA or replacement of the unit. I didn’t want you to waste time troubleshooting the unit when the result could still end with a return.

I noticed in another thread on the OpticalRendu in the Gear Channel that you did end up returning the unit. I’ll mark this thread closed. Hope you have better result with the alternative you’ve chosen. :+1:t2: