Hi, in the past, when I copy new files to the “Watch” directory, the album auto shows up in Roon. Now, I have to force a rescan. Anyone else experiencing this? I’m running Core on Windows.
My watch folder is on the same Windows machine as where Core is running and no changes other than updating Roon as new versions are released. I think this started a month or so ago.
If you use a local disk, it will automatically detect new files, but if it is a network share - the remote computer does not always give info to connected clients that there are changes to the shared folder.
This setting must be configured for each individual folder added in Roon.
I see you have the folder locally on same computer as Roon Core, but please check if you have this option available.
This issue is real. I’m running 933, just copied several albums to my storage location on an internal drive in my nucleus and my number of tracks has not changed. Skipped files does not show them. Any other suggestions?