Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
nucleus version 1.7, “latest version installed” from 2016 that I bought used. Initially (for 1 day) it detected audio devices (bluetooth to phone, AirPlay) and read info/albums on USB flash drive and played these albums on phone and AirPlay. But now (since the 2nd day) it detects no audio devices to play music on (“No Audio Devices Detected”) and offers “Manage Audio Devices” button. It sees the USB flash drive in “Storage” but doesn’t show any of the music on it. It does not see the USB output to my DAC. It does recognize my phone as remote, but won’t play on it. It lets me login to Tidal, but won’t play anything.
I’ve powered it down a few times, including overnight after disconnecting from power and ethernet cable without effect.
Actually it is intermittently dropping devices, including my phone at times and can’t see my DAC anymore.
And I’m not seeing how to get the log out of my phone or laptop (following the directions doesn’t show me what it looks like it’s supposed to and don’t see any Roon log)
When I posted that it was working is right after it actually saw all of my devices, including the DAC (only time it showed that, not the following day).
It still does not see the DAC (which it only did for several hours after reinstalling software). This am (5:50 am US EST, 3/31) it saw my phone but wanted me to re-label it (it’s done that a couple of times) but then it figured it out when I looked back 2 minutes later, it still sees our Apple HomePod and a Google Mini we have.
Thank you for letting me know the timestamp. I have tried to enable diagnostics mode for your Nucleus, but it appears that it is not communicating with our diagnostics servers, so unfortunately in this case we have to manually retrieve logs. I will try to break down the process for you below:
Please use a Windows or Mac computer
If you are using a Windows, open Windows Explorer and type in \\nucleus or \\nucleusplus depending on your model into the address bar
If you are using a Mac, open Mac’s Connect to Server feature and type in \\nucleus or \\nucleusplus depending on the model
If asked for a login, you can use “Connect as Guest” or use “guest” for both the login user and the password.
Access your RoonServer/Logs folder
Create an archive of this folder (right click -> send to -> compressed folder on Windows / right click -> compress “Logs” on Mac)
Upload this log package to Dropbox / Google Drive / and post a link here
If you have any issues with the above steps, just let me know and I can try to clarify, thanks!
Thanks for sending the logs over. I am looking through them and I noticed quite a few networking related issues. Can you provide some more information regarding your network setup (including model/manufacturer of your router, any switches, range extenders, ect.)? Is the Nucleus connected directly to the router?
Hi, We have “greenlight” high speed internet (500+ Mbps Download) with the router on our first floor, but stereo is on 3rd floor. The Roon connects not directly to the router, but using a wireless bridge repeater (which I know is not ideal). The Roon seems to be streaming very well from 3rd floor Roon to 1st floor Apple Home Play and phone throughout house, and now consistently recognizes the Apple HomePlay and my phone and google mini, but doesn’t see the DAC that is directly connected via USB cable (which is the main reason I wanted the Roon).
The router is [NETGEAR Nighthawk Smart WiFi Router (R7000) - AC1900 Wireless Speed (up to 1900 Mbps) | Up to 1800 sq ft Coverage & 30 Devices | 4 x 1G Ethernet and 2 USB ports | Armor Security]
The wireless bridge repeater is [VONETS AC1200 Mini Wireless Bridge Repeater Wi-Fi Dual Band Bridge Range Extender (VAP11AC)]
Not ideal is a bit of an understatement here. We have often seen issue surrounding range extenders and as such, we do not suggest connecting any audio devices to them and even more important is not connecting the Core to a range extender.
I would suggest that instead you try connecting the Nucleus to directly to your router and have a Roon Bridge device on the other end in your listening Roon (where the Nucleus currently is located). A Roon Bridge device can be another PC that has Roon Client or Roon Bridge installed on it.
If you need a USB output in your listening room, you could also use a standalone Ethernet → USB Bridge device such as a Rasberry Pi running Ropieee/DietPi OS or a Sonore MicroRendu/Allo USBridge if you prefer already-built solutions.
If keeping the Nucleus in the current location is a must, then instead of using a range extender, we would suggest using a mesh-style network such as Eero/Orbi/Velop. Please see our Networking Best Practices for more information in this regard.