Roon not displaying Files

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)


Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Xfinity Ethernet

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

HDMI Bryston streamer

Description Of Issue

Since the upgrade to Roon 1.7 my Metadata Improvement says it needs an update. Now When I add files to the server they do not show on Roon. The files are on the server but not on the Roon interface.

Hello @Steve_Child, thanks for your report! We’ve been seeing reports of the metadata improver message for other user users, and a significant number of those other users have resolved the issue by rebooting their system. Could you please do a quick reboot and let me know if the message disappears? Thanks!

The core showed up last night. The spinning ball is still there. Roon is not reliably reading my data base. The are files that are on the QNAP which are not on Roon.
So when the core came back there were lot of duplicates.


The data base and Roon are still not talking. Qobuz and Tidal work fine. There is still a spinning ball stating Roon is adding files. Is there anyway to fix this?

Hello @Steve_Child, thanks for the new info! I’d like to grab some screenshots from your machine so I can better understand the issue:

  1. Can you send me a screenshot of the spinning ball and the message you get when you click on it?
  2. Can you also send me a screenshot of “Settings > Storage”?

Thanks for these screenshots!

Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 1.46.46 PM

Screen Shot 2020-06-30 at 1.46.46 PM


I hope you can help


Hello @Steve_Child, thanks for the screenshots! Have you rebooted since this occurred, does the count always get stuck at 19/75? Also, would you kindly send me a screenshot of “Settings > Storage?” I’d like to see how your watched folders are set up.

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