Roon not importing all playlists

@noris you want me to identify all files containing Ä, Ö, Ü in around 7k+ songs? Change it and then perform the steps? This is a bit much to ask for honestly. Let me put it differently why can iTunes read it and Roon not? Can’t you read the files in the same way iTunes reads the XML file? Wouldn’t this be an easier fix than me going through 7k+ songs and manually change them?

Hello @Jan_Reinmueller,

As mentioned in our Skipped Files Guide:

Avoid using “special” characters in the names of files and folders. Using these characters may render the files inaccessible under some circumstances, particularly if files are transferred between different platforms, or viewed over a network share.

Sometimes the presence of one of these characters causes Roon to be unable to “see” a file or folder in the first place. Files skipped for this reason do not (and can not) show up in the Skipped files list, since it may not even be possible for us to know their name.

Simply changing the way that the XML file is being read on our end will not resolve the issue since having these special characters in the file names causes a compatibility issue with the way that they are being imported into Roon.

If Roon is unable to properly identify and locate these files, the XML will in essentially point to missing files and Roon will not be able to import the playlist as expected. I wish I had some better news for you here but this is the way that Roon is currently designed to work.

– Noris

Hey @noris I have no problem to wait for a fix in the next release but I also don’t think this is a major problem to solve. A simple conversation table would fix it, there are not hundreds of special characters out there. Something like, If string contains “Ä” then treat it as “AE” would make the fix.

I am not sure how iTunes handles this but they are facing the same problem and somehow managed it.

Would it make sense to check with the developers one more time please?

EDIT: I changed the artist name inside iTunes from Väth to Vaeth and now the playlists are showing up (I changed the folder name before). So it really has nothing to do with file transfers or NAS it is just a simple shortcoming in the Roon app that it can’t handle special characters.

Anyway, maybe something to be considered for future version. Case closed.

Hi @Jan_Reinmueller,

Glad to hear that changing the artist name to a non-special character type resolved the issue for that artist! I can’t make any promises on how future versions of Roon will behave in regards to special characters, this is a technical limitation as far as I know, but I will note your suggestions with the team.

– Noris

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Hello @Jan_Reinmueller,

I wanted to reach out and let you know that we released Roon 1.7 Build 571, which includes some improvements that we believe should help here. Please give the update a try and let us know if it helps!

You can read the full release notes here:

Roon Support