Roon not playing Qobuz at Hi-res again? Is 1.7 the culprit?

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Lenovo i5-4460, Windows 10, Roon 1.7

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Wired Ethernet, 1GB

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Monoprice Monolith THX balanced DAC

This was a problem earlier this year when Roon streamed Qobuz 24bit, 96KHz files at 16/44. Here is an album noted (Shostakovich Sym No. 1 conducted by Gustavo Gimeno) and later said to be streaming properly:

I have a Studio subscription to Qobuz and I have played this album and many others on Qobuz’s app and they play as stated 24/96. When I run them through Roon the signal path shows 16/44 as follows:

I know that they played correctly before I upgraded to Roon 1.7, so what can be done? Thanks! - Jack W.


Try logging out of Qobuz and logging back in again.

Ok, I logged out of Qobuz and Roon and logged back in with no change. All Qobuz is 16/44. Interestingly, on my remote Denon, from Roon I get 16/44 but it is labeled by Roon as “high quality”, which is reserved only for tracks above 16/44. Thanks for the suggestion. - jw

Hi Jack,

Can you go to Roon Settings > Services and Edit Qobuz. What does the drop down Streaming Quality show?

Cheers, Greg


Are you using the AirPlay input on the Denon? AirPlay will always show the “High Quality” signal path state, as we cannot guarantee a bit-perfect stream with AirPlay devices.


No, John, I am not using Airplay - I have no Apple devices and I disabled the Airplay on the Denon. The Denon remote node is hitting the core via cabled ethernet. Thanks - jw

Greg, good call - the services allow only 16/44 along with mp3. There is no higher-res choice. So I logged out of the Qobuz service (this is probably what Henry meant when I thought he meant the Qobuz app itself) and logged back in and the hi-res streams are now playing at hi-res! Thanks a bunch, guys! - Jack W.


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