Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Wired Ethernet, 1GB
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Monoprice Monolith THX balanced DAC
This was a problem earlier this year when Roon streamed Qobuz 24bit, 96KHz files at 16/44. Here is an album noted (Shostakovich Sym No. 1 conducted by Gustavo Gimeno) and later said to be streaming properly:
I have a Studio subscription to Qobuz and I have played this album and many others on Qobuz’s app and they play as stated 24/96. When I run them through Roon the signal path shows 16/44 as follows:
Ok, I logged out of Qobuz and Roon and logged back in with no change. All Qobuz is 16/44. Interestingly, on my remote Denon, from Roon I get 16/44 but it is labeled by Roon as “high quality”, which is reserved only for tracks above 16/44. Thanks for the suggestion. - jw
Are you using the AirPlay input on the Denon? AirPlay will always show the “High Quality” signal path state, as we cannot guarantee a bit-perfect stream with AirPlay devices.
No, John, I am not using Airplay - I have no Apple devices and I disabled the Airplay on the Denon. The Denon remote node is hitting the core via cabled ethernet. Thanks - jw
Greg, good call - the services allow only 16/44 along with mp3. There is no higher-res choice. So I logged out of the Qobuz service (this is probably what Henry meant when I thought he meant the Qobuz app itself) and logged back in and the hi-res streams are now playing at hi-res! Thanks a bunch, guys! - Jack W.