Roon not starting up [Resolved]

My Roon won’t start up - and gives either a Roon unexpectedly quit or nothing at all happens after the load screen. The program just hangs.

I am on a MacBook Pro 17
Macos 10.12.6

What to do?

Hi @Peter_Lund ---- Thank you for the report and sorry to hear of the troubles. Let’s see if we can get this figured out for you.

Moving forward, while this may sound rather elementary, have you tried rebooting the mentioned device?

Furthermore, sometimes Roon may not have the correct permissions to run. If this is indeed what is happening, we recommend trying the following troubleshooting exercise listed in our knowledge Base,
which can be found here.

Let me know how it goes!

3 posts were split to a new topic: Using an iPad with no Core?

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your answer.

No luck. I’ve tried rebooting. And roon will start fine after rebooting, but after the computer has been sleeping for some time, roon hangs on the load. Same thing happens after i’ve ran the terminal script and activated Arial font…

Hi @Peter_Lund ----- Thank you for touching base with me and giving the requested test a go. Very appreciated!

Moving forward, I would like to get a set of your logs over to our techs so we can have a closer look into what could be causing this behavior in your setup. With this in mind, may I very kindly ask you to please perform the following:

  • Very Important - Please reproduce the mentioned behavior and note the time when you make the following observations:

“I’ve tried rebooting. And roon will start fine after rebooting,”

“after the computer has been sleeping for some time, roon hangs on the load.”

  • Once the issue has been replicated (as per the above) and the times have been noted, please follow the instructions found here on how to send us a set of your Roon logs.


Hi Eric,

Problem appears to be solved now. Thanks for the help:)

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