Roon nucleus doesn't work as advertised

I follow the support instructions and it appears I have to make duplicate folders and rename them so the roon software can locate it? I’m hitting a wall.

If you are having problems raise a thread in the support area of the forum and the roon staff will be flagged. In the meantime, which part of the instructions are you having a problem with?

I thought I was in the support section, lol, I understand instructions, what I don’t understand is why there aren’t any music folders showing up to select from.

A screenshot of your Settings, storage screen would help as well as a description of where your files are located.

when i’m on that screen mouse clicks do nothing, so tell me how to get a screenshot tia

What computer are you using?

gimme a minute

I can’t get cpoy paste off the system screen either.
msi gt70i7 4800mq

so the software doesn’t locate my music. I have to buy a usb hd and load all my music to that then plug it into the nucleus? That isn’t anywhere on the instructions that come with the unit.

can we agree a person needs to be a computer programmer to get one of these working?

Not really there are many novices to the whole idea on here. I should have been more clear, are you using windows?

windows 7 pro on the desktop windpows 8 on the laptop

i asked the dealer to buy the unit back. since I’ve been streaming tidal for a few months I won’t be surprised if he says no especially since I’ve written notes on the installation pamphlet. I was really excited about getting this product.

A Nucleus will take an optional internal fitted SATA drive for your music, external USB or network attached drives are also possible music sources.

thanks mike, while that means me spending hours downloading and rebuying the itunes that have already been downloaded 4 times what the heck. I want to add much of my discussion has been deleted by

Sounds like a crap dealer to be honest. A nucleus isn’t plug and play, it’s like buying a car but without the steering wheel attached. You have to have a basic grasp of why the wheels need to point dead ahead before attaching, have a few basic tools and be able to follow instructions.
Roon needs to be told where your files are and if they are in iTunes then you need to prep iTunes to share them.

Progress report. My first install I selected the most highlighted source on the screen guess what that was? the nucleus. today I changed my core to my pc Obvious right? anyhow now I have access to my itunes songs. I still don’t know why my mp3’s are inaccessable but it’s progress and the first thing I should have checked. now to push play and see if I didn’t screw something else up in the process.

That’s not true. Don’t do that.

This is still wrong. You want the core to be on Nucleus. Otherwise why buy one?

I think I know why you can’t find shared files. You didn’t add the shared folder to your Nucleus.

Here is step by step -

  1. Put Core back on Nucleus
  2. In the PC where the shared folder is make note of the share name. E.g. my PC’s name is ARRAKIS and I shared the folder Work, so the shared name is \\ARRAKIS\Work
  3. Go to Nucleus where Core is and then Settings->Storage->Add Folder->Add Network Share
  4. In the resulting screen add your share name. In my case, it was \\ARRAKIS\Work. Add the id/password for the machine where the shared folder is, if necessary.
  5. Your shared folder will show up on the left. Select it and you’re good to go.

Listen, take it easy. We’re almost there.

So At least making my pc the core showed me that roon does what it’s intended to do for the most part while in my pc it could locate and playback my itunes purchased that all went away when I made the nucleus the core but that’s a security issue on my end with an over protective firewall program . My dealer spent quite awhile explaining the advantages to giving the nucleus its own hd and it makes sense. My security software’s frozen and I still can’t unlock my music files despite all the windows settings positioned to allow. point is I can’t say I’m all good yet, but the roon software appears to work and Disean from DDigital chuckled when I told him I didn’t want to pester him further with the problems I was Hopefully I can report a fully functional music server shortly.