Roon on Raumfeld ARMV7HF Device


I have tried to start roon on a Raumfeld device (ARMV7HF) because i like roon more than raumfeld.
I have downloaded the RoonBridge for ARMv7HF and i started it on the device. But it seems there is an endless loop because there is an error.

I get following lines in the console after staring roon bridge

No fast tls on device. Using fallbacks. Current implementation :
0xee1d0f70 0xe12fff1e 0xe320f000 0xe320f000 0xe59f3018 0xe3a01000 0xe59f2014 0xe08f3003 0xe7932002 0xe3520000 0x15922000 0xeaf0c8dc 0xc33ac 0x4e0 0xe1a02001 0xe1a01000
00:00:00.210 Info: ConnectOrStartAndWaitForExit RAATServer
00:00:00.189 Info: Starting /usr/RoonBridge/Bridge/RoonBridgeHelper
No fast tls on device. Using fallbacks. Current implementation :
0xee1d0f70 0xe12fff1e 0xe320f000 0xe320f000 0xe59f3018 0xe3a01000 0xe59f2014 0xe08f3003 0xe7932002 0xe3520000 0x15922000 0xeaf0c8dc 0xc33ac 0x4e0 0xe1a02001 0xe1a01000
Not Running (.o)

^^ This goes on and on and on…

The Log files shows no error, only that he’d like to update to a new version which fails.
This is ok because there is no tar app on the device

02/10 19:09:16 Info: Starting RoonBridge v1.0 (build 62) stable on linuxarmv7hf
02/10 19:09:21 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] Listening on port 58338
02/10 19:09:24 Trace: [roonbridgehelperserver] SOOD announce
02/10 19:09:47 Trace: [appupdater] initial check for updates
02/10 19:09:48 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates:
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: priority=compatible
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: updateurl=
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: machineversion=100000064
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: displayversion=1.0 (build 64) stable
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: branch=stable
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: type=roonbridge
02/10 19:09:51 Debug: [base/updater] Update response: changelog=
02/10 19:09:52 Debug: [appupdater] Update is available: 1.0 (build 64) stable, Compatible
02/10 19:09:52 Warn: Error in web request NetworkError (Aborted.)
02/10 19:09:52 Trace: [push] request to manager failed
02/10 19:09:52 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 42762ms
02/10 19:09:54 Debug: [appupdater] Update download progress: 1
02/10 19:09:54 Debug: [appupdater] Update download progress: 2

02/10 19:10:00 Debug: [appupdater] Update downloaded: 1.0 (build 64) stable /tmp/cf99d3a4-6be3-4cef-b029-9a9e074b9dad__RoonBridge_linuxarmv7hf_100000064.tar.bz2
02/10 19:10:00 Info: [base/updater] Installing update
02/10 19:10:00 Trace: [base/updater tar stderr] tar: invalid tar magic

02/10 19:10:00 Error: [appupdater] While installing update: System.Exception: update installer exited with 1

I think its not staring because there is no alas installed
following sound cards are loaded

snd_soc_s800 8417 4
snd_soc_cs4271 8317 1
snd_soc_davinci_mcasp 11536 2
snd_soc_ak4104 3859 1
snd_soc_edma 701 1 snd_soc_davinci_mcasp

Is there any way to get roon bridge running here? Or is there any log file which may give me more information whats the problem?


I have updated RoonBridge to the newest version (1.064)
It seems it communicates with the roonServer but has an exception.

02/10 20:04:34 Info: Starting RoonBridge v1.0 (build 64) stable on linuxarmv7hf
02/10 20:04:42 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] Listening on port 51782
02/10 20:04:44 Trace: [roonbridgehelperserver] SOOD announce
02/10 20:04:48 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] GOT {“request”:“updates_subscribe”}
02/10 20:04:49 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] SENT NONFINAL {“status”:“Success”,“updates”:{“is_supported”:true,“status”:“UpToDate”,“progress”:null,“current_version”:{“machine_value”:100000064,“branch”:“stable”,“display_value”:“1.0 (build 64) stable”},“available_version”:null,“update_mode”:“AutoCompatible”}}
02/10 20:05:08 Trace: [appupdater] initial check for updates
02/10 20:05:08 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] SENT NONFINAL {“status”:“Changed”,“updates”:{“is_supported”:true,“status”:“Checking”,“progress”:null,“current_version”:{“machine_value”:100000064,“branch”:“stable”,“display_value”:“1.0 (build 64) stable”},“available_version”:null,“update_mode”:“AutoCompatible”}}
02/10 20:05:08 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates: http:||
02/10 20:05:11 Debug: [appupdater] Update not needed
02/10 20:05:11 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] SENT NONFINAL {“status”:“Changed”,“updates”:{“is_supported”:true,“status”:“UpToDate”,“progress”:null,“current_version”:{“machine_value”:100000064,“branch”:“stable”,“display_value”:“1.0 (build 64) stable”},“available_version”:null,“update_mode”:“AutoCompatible”}}
02/10 20:05:13 Warn: Error in web request NetworkError (Aborted.)
02/10 20:05:13 Trace: [push] request to manager failed
02/10 20:05:13 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 64979ms
02/10 20:05:29 Warn: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] error reading connection: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: dst
at System.Buffer.BlockCopy (System.Array src, System.Int32 srcOffset, System.Array dst, System.Int32 dstOffset, System.Int32 count) [0x00017] in :0
at Sooloos.RnetJsonConnection.ev_client_read () [0x0011d] in <89aa608d40fd437fab25c71d822ca0ce>:0
at Sooloos.RnetJsonConnection.<_BeginRead>m__0 (System.IAsyncResult ar) [0x00050] in <89aa608d40fd437fab25c71d822ca0ce>:0
02/10 20:05:29 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonServer] [client] disconnected
02/10 20:06:23 Trace: Successful POST response from
02/10 20:06:23 Trace: [push] connecting to
02/10 20:06:23 Trace: [push] connected
02/10 20:07:01 Trace: [push] short read from connector (1)
02/10 20:07:01 Trace: [push] retrying connection in 81063ms