Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
WIFI and stream via Chromecast audio
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Chromecast audio
Description Of Issue
My Roon Core on Windows have a mixture of Tidal Masters albums, Tidal non-masters albums, and other low-res AAC albums. I have been using Chromecast (connected to an amp) as Roon endpoint. All AAC albums and Tidal non-master albums played well, except Tidal Masters ( i tried many many Tidal Masters Music)!
with Tidal Masters, there is no sound to be heard from the amp/speakers; although it showed to be playing on Roon. With the same music (Tidal Masters), it played all ok directly on the Windows device’s speakers.
The same music (Tidal Masters) it plays all ok directly form Tidal Windows and Tidal Android App to the chromecast/amp/speakers.
So Why there is no sound through chromecast/amp/speakers when play Tidal Masters albums that are embedded in Roon? (The non-Masters version play all ok; but when i switched to Masters, there is no sound!)
Thanks heaps.
i think i may have found the problem! i tried to stream Masters from Tidal to amp/speaker via chromecast this afternoon and i could hear some broken stream of sound; so that suggests the limitation of my home WIFI network? I did a speedtest here; althought it showed to be around 10+Mbps but perhaps is the bandwidth that limits the Masters stream? but it still does not quite explain why i can stream Masters directly from Tidal Android via Chromecast but it does not have enough “bandwidth” to stream Tidal Masters from Roon Windows?
Tidal native sends a flac file, roon decompresses the flac file and converts it to PCM which is a much bigger file and then sends that.
Also I think perhaps the tidal native app is adaptive and sends what it can, roon pumps out whatever you have set it to.
I would set roon to convert the stream to different but rates and see which ones your network can cope with.
However, when i tried to stream Masters tracks from Roon (Windows) to amp/speaker via chromecast, there was no sound to be heard at the other end, although Roon showed it to be playing.
BTW, how do i convert the high res down to the bit rate that my home network can handle? i know i probably should not stream 24/192 given i dont have a full MQA decoder; but even at 24/96 it wont play properly from Roon Windows. I am using the Cambridge Audio Edge A intergrated amplifier so it is all compatible in terms of file types/res.
of course, i can just not use MQA albums at all; but i still can stream and listen to MQA via Tidal Android APP and cast to the amp. So i dont want to have Masters and non-Masters albums on Roon, otherwise all will be getting too messy!