My library is still slow. 150k tracks. Added one album today. about 5-10 minutes later Roon stops playing music. The rotating quarter circle next to the bookmark is active. At some point the app will play music again, but these long 15-30 minute pauses are unacceptable. I have the current update hoping it addressed the problem - it didn’t.
Are we ever going to get a solution to this problem?
Hi everyone,
We’re investigating this issue with development. There’s likely a constellation of potential causes for the sluggish performance you’ve reported, all related to the breakdown of user libraries. We’re teasing out these causes to debug them.
Who here has at least one artist in their library with over 1000 tracks?
Who here has at least one artist in their library with over 1000 albums?
Additionally, if you navigate to Roon → Settings → Library and click “Clean up Library” to open the dialog window, does anyone have over 1000 deleted tracks? Don’t finalize by clicking “Clean up Library” again, just cancel out.
We’re requesting this information as the diagnostics available to our server don’t scan the database with this level of granularity.
Thank you for the help. We’ll keep you posted on our progress.
Clean up Deleted Files = 113
Not Associated = 0
Associated with disable storage = 0
Largest Album count by Artist = 43
One artists with over 1k tracks. (1241). However in Roon due to a duplicate artist issue, the tracks Genesis (1241 tracks) should have an additional 450 tracks.
Next largest is ~861 tracks
btw - its not easy to find the track counts.
One way of doing this is to use the Track Browser, filter by the Album Artist, and then select all the resulting tracks. The track count is shown at the top of the browser; e.g.:
I am also suffering very slow load times and play start times, I have over 10000 albums, 3000 artists.
I have very a decent Intel Nuc with plenty of ram and ssd running Roon Optimized Core Kit
I have reinstall once to see if it would improve performance, no luck.
Specifics. Would help. Model. Ram.size t total track coint.
1526 deleted tracks, artist with most albums is Bob Dylan with 642 albums (701 when using focus); there are about maybe 60 artists with more than 1000 tracks. But how can I find these? I just can guess from the number of albums.
In compositions there are 3 composers with more than 1000 albums (Bob Dylan 1561, John Lennon 1280, Paul McCartney 1272).
i5 Intel NUC NUC7i5BNK 16GB ram, 512GB SSD (had to open machine to remember). Would be nice to have system info off of the built in web interface for issue reporting (dump software/hardware info into a copyable window for pasting into support tickets).
Venting…Roon is virtually unusable while I update my iTunes library as I convert files from lossy to lossless. As I update things daily… I’m using iTunes to play music. When can get a fix for the performance on Roon’s maintaining its library?
Hi, @connor I am a way from home. Only just seeing this. With a genre like Classical, those thresholds, if they are impacting performance are incredibly low. Just inviting problems. Seems to explain why I have long found filters on certain screens unusable.
It’s the structure of Classical music and the way that it is packaged and sold. For example, Wagner’s Ring is +/- 180 tracks. Every major conductor and orchestra and tenor and soprano and their dogs have done a Ring cycle. But they will also have done dozens of other Operas which will more typically be +/- 50 tracks. A Bach mass can be 25 to 30 tracks. Big stars like the Berliner Philharmoniker or Herbert von Karajan are endlessly re-packaged on box-sets with hundreds, sometimes thousands of tracks. Completely at random, for example, I pulled up the John Elliot Gardiner Bach Cantatas set. It has 463 tracks
I know I have a large library, so its not particularly representative, but my point is that much smaller libraries will routinely exceed your 1,000 artist track threshold with a relative handful of albums in a genre like Classical.
As I say, I am away from home, so I have access only to a subset of my library which is whatever is on my laptop and Qobuz. As far as I can see, I have dozens, probably hundreds of artists with more than a 1,000 tracks. They look to be famous Classical artists with deep catalogues: Composers with over 1,000 tracks are also off the charts.
eI don’t believe I have artists with more than 1,000 albums but I have absolutely no idea how I could systematically verify that. What I do know is that Qobuz (and Tidal I assume) have dozens if not hundreds of major Classical artists with more than a 1,000 albums and there would be nothing to stop sufficiently fanatical roon subscribers adding them to their libraries. Seems unlikely I must say but you never know:
I have also frequently had multiples of thousands of deleted tracks in the past, but at the moment just 4.
I dropped one FLAC into a folder this morning. Roon froze and I had to restart. When are we going to get a stable, working Roon?
As an aside, you mean you are replacing lossy files with new lossless files? Or, do you mean you are converting file from a lossy format to a lossless format, like mp3 to wav?
Re-ripping source CDs and replacing the files.
Not sure if this is what you are doing but, the workflow that would be best (as in least likely to cause issues) is… rip CDs to a location not being watched by Roon. When ready to copy them over, stop RoonServer, copy/replace the files, Turn on Roonserver.
I’ve tried variations, but it doesn’t help. And frankly, I should be able to listen to music while I work on my library. If the application can’t prioritize playing and user interaction over a background task, its not a very user friendly application. Software should accommodate the user, not the user accommodate the software.
More trivia…It appears my Roon backup folder has exploded in size. 301.31 GB. I noticed because the drive unexpectedly ran out of space. Previous the info pop-up stated ~151GB which is crazy large. Old backups from 2022 are 7-11 GB.
Settings are for “Every 4 days, at 2am, maximum 3 backups.”
I too had missed this thread but to reiterate what @tripleCrotchet says .
Most of the big labels are re-releasing the “Complete Recordings of xxx” so say Brendel is one box 1254 tracks , Karajan is at least split into separate sub albums
That said the big sets will easily be 1000 + in one main folder split into CD subfolders
Hi Folks,
it seems there has something happened today: after update to 2.0 build 1303 everything works pretty fast. Added over 1.500 tracks within a half hour. Showing of lists, playing tracks, artist info, albumart, even search in the search box in the right upper corner. You name it, it again works.
This took a half year for me to have again fun when using Roon. Thank you Roon team!