Roon Pausing/Losing connectivity at seemingly random times w/Trinnov Altitude 16

I have been experiencing Roon “pausing” at seemingly random times. It appears that my Nucleus loses connection to my Roon Endpoint, a Trinnov Altitude 16. Roon then pauses. I have to click play to continue listening. This pausing happens both when running Roon from the Android app or Windows 10.

I am running Roon version 1.8 build 1151 production1x on the Nucleus and on Windows 10.

I have looked at my Roon Nucleus logs at the times when this happens and below is a sample. Does anyone have any idea what could be the cause of these “pauses”?

Here is the 1st sample of my Roon log at the time of the pausing:

04/24 22:00:43 Trace: [Trinnov] [Enhanced, 24/48 FLAC => 24/48] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 1:14/2:40] Walk Between Raindrops - Donald Fagen
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [raat_ll/client] [Trinnov Altitude16 @] no data received for >10000ms. Killing connection.
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [raat] [Trinnov Altitude16 @] => Disconnected
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [raat] [Trinnov Altitude16 @] lost client connection. Retrying
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [raat] [Trinnov Altitude16 @] connecting (attempt 1)
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Trinnov was playing? True
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [zone Trinnov] Suspend
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [library] recorded play for profile ec3e715d-d154-4266-8293-8c141cfc6494: mediaid=50:1:602e9638-0ec0-4b75-9284-1d10fc4666d9 metadataid=123:0:MT0010754732 contentid= libraryid=50:1:602e9638-0ec0-4b75-9284-1d10fc4666d9 isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
04/24 22:00:44 Info: 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Enhanced
    Source Format=Flac 48000/24/2 BitRate=1579 Quality=Lossless
    Raat Device=Trinnov Altitude16
    DSP Subtype=trinnov_bass_management PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=
    DSP Subtype=trinnov_optimizer PresetKey= TruePeak= Value= StringValue= Model= FromSampleRate= ToSampleRate= Quality=Enhanced PresetDisplayName= ModeDisplayName=
    Output OutputType=Local_Analog_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [zone Trinnov] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [zone Trinnov] Canceling Pending Sleep
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [zone Trinnov] Canceling Pending Sleep
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [Trinnov] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Trinnov Altitude16 State Changed: Playing => Prepared
04/24 22:00:44 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
04/24 22:00:44 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] send failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
04/24 22:00:44 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting + retrying
04/24 22:00:44 Info: sleep 0ms after flush
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [raat] [Trinnov Altitude16 @] => Connecting
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [library] finished with 34 dirty tracks 4 dirty albums 6 dirty performers 45 dirty works 34 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 79 changed objects
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
04/24 22:00:44 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
04/24 22:00:44 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 2 ms (cumulative 33082314 bytes, 14176 ops in 19891 ms)

Here is a 2nd Roon log server portion from today that is different from the above:

05/01 19:20:42 Trace: [Trinnov] [Enhanced, 16/44 FLAC => 16/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:28/4:10] Feel So Bad - Ray Charles / Count Basie Orchestra / Count Basie & His Orchestra / Chuck Willis
05/01 19:20:45 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
05/01 19:20:45 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] send failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
05/01 19:20:45 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting + retrying
05/01 19:20:45 Warn: [zoneplayer/raat] Error during streaming: System.Exception: serverside buffer overrun
   at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatTcpAudioSource.SendFrames(IPEndPoint ep, Int32 stream_id, Int64 streamsample, Double buffersize, StreamFormat format, Double gain, Double peak, Byte[] buf, Int32 nsamples)
   at Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer.<>c__DisplayClass31_0.<_StartStream4>b__1()
05/01 19:20:45 Warn: [zone Trinnov] Track Stopped Due to Error
05/01 19:20:45 Info: [zone Trinnov] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
05/01 19:20:45 Debug: [zone Trinnov] _Advance

Thank you in advance.


Roon @support could you please provide some help here? @benjamin ? @noris ?



Hey @Carl_Englander,

Thanks for taking the time to write in, and for sharing the information above.

How is your core connected to your network/router? How is the Trinnov Altitude 16 connected to your core, as well as your router? If you could first provide more details around your system setup as well as your network setup, that would be helpful.

Lastly, does this issue occur no matter the file resolution? Can you test playing a few different file types and report back?


Thank you for your response @benjamin !

My Roon Core/Nucleus is connected via Ethernet to a wired unmanaged switch (Netgear gigabit Ethernet 8-port switch GS308) that is connected via Ethernet to my Orbi Router (RBR50). I use a Western Digital USB drive attached to the Nucleus for my music library. I use the Roon Ready ‘audio IN’ input on my Trinnov which is connected via Ethernet to an Orbi satellite (RBS50) that is connected wirelessly to my Orbi router. This set up has been this way for years, but only in the last 1.5 months or so have these “pauses” occurred.

I don’t believe that file resolution is the culprit since we mainly play albums and they contain songs that are usually of the same file type (FLAC) and resolution. Since my Trinnov can only play at a max resolution of 96K/24bit, almost all my files are at this resolution or lower.

Here is a list of dates and times when this pausing has occurred that we documented. Times are MST so the first one was at 3:00 pm MST but shows as 22:00 in my Roon Server log.

04/24/23 3:00 pm
04/24/23 4:26 pm
04/25/23 3:20 pm
04/26/23 11:02 am
04/26/23 4:46 pm
04/27/23 5:06 pm
04/28/23 8:46 am
04/28/23 5:26 pm
04/29/23 7:33 am
04/29/23 2:45 pm
04/29/23 4:09 pm
04/30/23 12:00 pm (Noon)
04/30/23 2:56 pm (Noon)
05/01/23 9:26 am
05/01/23 12:20 pm
05/01/23 4:44 pm
05/02/23 3:22 pm
05/03/23 3:06 pm

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Ah good to see it’s not just me, i recently added some Sonore pieces and went totally fiber optic and i thought maybe the constant drops of the internet every 8 mins or so were the new equipment. Nope, multiple people having drop issues. Following along to see what happens. Good luck :+1:

Hey @Carl_Englander,

Thanks for sending those over! We’re seeing a handful of different errors between communication on your network, with RAATServer, as well as your core device.

As a next step, lets refresh your RAATServer database. Steps to follow below:

You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon Database
  • Stop RoonServer from running in Nucleus’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new RAATServer


Thank you for your response @benjamin !

I followed the steps that you wrote and I see that a new RAATServer folder was created. I also updated the Roon OS on my Nucleus that I had just received a notification for. I am now running Roon OS version 1.0 build 258 production.

Anything else? Or should we continue to report any drops/pauses?

Thanks again!


After making the changes above (new RAATServer and updated Roon OS) we are still having the same pausing issue.

Since these changes were made, here is a list of the newest dates and times when this pausing has occurred that we documented. Times are MST.

05/05/23 5:32 pm
05/06/23 9:03 am
05/06/23 11:57 am
05/06/23 2:52 pm
05/07/23 3:04 pm
05/07/23 4:30 pm

After posting the above, I checked my Orbi router settings and I unchecked ‘Disable IGMP Proxying’ in the Orbi router’s settings. I thought I had previously done that, but apparently not. We’ll continue to monitor.

We had another pause even after the Orbi router setting change:

05/08/23 9:20 am

Next step?

Thanks again in advance @benjamin !


Hey @Carl_Englander,

Thanks for sharing some additional time stamps.

I know you’ve mentioned this has worked for years, it would be really helpful to test out hardwiring both your core as well as the Tinnov directly to your router temporarily.

From reviewing your core diagnostics around the timestamps you’ve shared, there seems to be a reoccurring network exception that breaks the connection between your network and your core, and so it would be good to rule out some of the additional network gear you have in your system.

And with that, what other devices do you have running on your network when listening through Roon?

I’ll be on standby for your reply. :+1:

Thanks again @benjamin !

After rewiring my router and switch and opening a port on my router for the Trinnov, I located a long Ethernet cable and connected this cable between the Trinnov and the Orbi Router this morning 05/11/2023. So far this temporary wired connection has been solid for playing music on Roon using the Trinnov.

I would like to continue using this Ethernet cable to confirm that Roon does not pause, so I am not yet done with this issue. :wink:

Before doing the wiring above I tried a few other things to see if they would help:

  • rebooted modem + router + satellite + switch + Nucleus. Result: Roon still paused.
  • Turned off Orbi “Traffic Meter”. Result: Roon still paused.

I also confirmed that in the Orbi I have used the correct settings for optimal streaming.

Also, I looked into the ability to put my Orbi router into ‘debug mode’ that collects network traffic, and this is possible. However, I am unsure how or with what software I would read the data that would be collected.

Regarding what we have connected to our network when listening to Roon, we have many connections to our network, both wired and wireless and some via the Orbi router vs. the Orbi satellite. This is because we use Roon most of everyday to play music. For this connection issue, since the Orbi satellite is in question, one item that is wired into the Orbi satellite (just like Roon) is a Roku Ultra. However, the Roku Ultra is not being used (no streaming) while Roon is being used.

If connecting Roon directly via Ethernet works without pausing, then I can start to remove other possible issues from the network to attempt to find the culprit that is causing Roon to lose its connection. If the Roku is causing this Roon connection problem, I can unplug the power from it unless we are actually using it.

At this point, do you have any other suggestions/advice? What are typical culprits?

Thanks again @benjamin !


Thanks again @benjamin !

Over the weekend we did more testing and isolated this Roon pausing cause to the Roku Ultra.

Looking at the Orbi router log at the date/time the music paused showed the IP address for the Roku Ultra to be the probable culprit. Roku had updated their OS (to 12.0) at about the same date that we had started to notice Roon pausing. Since this Roku update was pushed out and automated, we were unaware that it had happened.

Now with Roon running and connected like it had been originally, but with the power to the Roku Ultra unplugged, Roon works as it should and does not pause unexpectedly. YEA!

So the solution to this Roon pausing issue was to remove the Roku Ultra, with Roku OS version 12, from the network. Here are 2 links to more about what Roku OS 12.0 is all about:

@benjamin thanks again for your help with troubleshooting this issue!

Happy listening!


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