Roon playback stuck on different devices

I‘ve Installer the current Roon core to my Synology NAS and setup was fine.

Playback of streaming contents like Qobuz is ok but when I try to stream my local audio files on my Eversolo DMP-A6 no sound can be heard and it seems the whole instance stuck.

Only a restart of the Roon core will fix it. The strange thing is that with Roon ARC Streaming is working.

Any idea where I can start with my investigation?

Hi @Michael_Lehner,
Thanks for writing in to ask us about this issue. I think the next step here is to enable some diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the error occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.

Additionally can you please share a screenshot of your signal path when playing local files to the Eversolo?

Hi @daniel,

Thanks for your response.

I‘ve reproduced the issue as follows:

  1. started Roon core
  2. Opened Roon App on iPhone and started one local track for the Eversolo which was streamed as expected (16:09 utc)
  3. During playback changed the track to another local one and issue occur again
  4. Tried to switch to internet radio station but streaming also stuck (16:10 utc)

Got the same result when playing songs on my ipad as target device using the roon app

01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] =======================================================================
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] Track             Geboren um zu leben (trackid=Geboren um zu leben,albumid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport]     Performance   LibraryPerformance[3053429, LibraryWork[459636, Geboren um zu leben, by LibraryPerformer[33265457, Der Graf & Henning Verlage]]]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] Track             Geboren um zu leben (trackid=Geboren um zu leben,albumid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb)
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport]     Performance   LibraryPerformance[3053429, LibraryWork[459636, Geboren um zu leben, by LibraryPerformer[33265457, Der Graf & Henning Verlage]]]
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Playing 1 Items
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library] recorded play for profile 71b7ac0b-aebe-4e74-b644-6e242e8e057d: mediaid=50:1:c540e1ce-8ba7-4674-9ea4-97858a9de06a metadataid= contentid= libraryid=50:1:c540e1ce-8ba7-4674-9ea4-97858a9de06a isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
    Source Format=Mp3 44100/24/2 BitRate=104 Quality=LowQuality
    Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
    Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (4)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (4)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] starting cleanup with 2 dirty tracks 2 dirty albums 1 dirty performers 1 dirty works , 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to retain
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Playing TransportItem
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Selecting Source state=Stopped
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [74]{"request":"request_source"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] finished with 41 clumping tracks, 9 clumping auxfiles 5 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 2 tracks to (re)load, 3 tracks to retain, 7 auxfiles to (re)load, 8 auxfiles to retain, and 6 changed objects
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (5)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Playing => Prepared
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [76]{"request":"end_stream"}
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Worker (1)] [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [74] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=500 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=10), overalltime=10ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=500 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=10), overalltime=11ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [77]{"request":"update_artwork","mimetype":"image/jpeg"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [17] {"status":"Ended"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] done computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (4)] [music/searchindex] [search-index]  removed in 11ms: 1 albums, 0 tracks, 0 works, 0 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [music/searchindex] [search-index] added in 0ms: 1 albums, 0 tracks, 0 works, 0 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [music/searchindex] totals: 3165 albums, 19309 tracks, 7392 works, 47140 performers, 975 labels, 1261 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 32ms, got 9 top albums, 10 top performers, 18 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [76] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [77] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Warn: [Worker (3)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4621362: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532).  re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532).  re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty items, no items in query, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16388 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 85ms
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] Created album details screen for LibraryAlbum[917551, Unheilig - Grosse Freiheit (Deluxe Version)]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] 
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 8 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16396 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16397 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=27), overalltime=27ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=27), overalltime=28ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=29), overalltime=29ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=29), overalltime=29ms
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] sleep 241ms after flush
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer] Playing: /var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Unheilig/Grosse Freiheit (Deluxe Version)/04 Geboren um zu leben.m4a
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [399] POST to returned after 163 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 144 B
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 0 streaming service alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [401] POST to returned after 171 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 27 B
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [400] GET to returned after 177 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Robbie Williams - Escapology - Nan's Song was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4623154 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Robbie Williams/Escapology/14 Nan's Song.m4a
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer]     Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamParams[SampleRate=44100, BitsPerSample=24, Channels=2, Layout=Stereo FrameCount=10163200] => StreamParams[SampleRate=44100, BitsPerSample=24, Channels=2, Layout=Stereo FrameCount=10163200] streamid=1792339208
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Playing
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Remote](id=11987 spec=1by1_512 key=btraaaaa uri= => fetched in 193ms status=200 size=64097 overalltime=199ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Remote](id=11988 spec=4by3_2048 key=ctraaaaa uri= => fetched in 188ms status=200 size=168536 overalltime=198ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (3)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] synced to endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 clock: realtime=55565292471 rtt=11500us offset=-206967707us delta=-206967707us
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (3)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [82]{"request":"stream","stream_id":1792339208,"first_seq":-1,"nak_port":-1,"buffer_size":10,"ready_threshold":0.2}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Buffering"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (5)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Prepared => Buffering
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] [zoneplayer/raat] selected Eversolo DMP-A6 as clock master
01/28 17:10:31 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4623154: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 16ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [prebuffer thread] [prebuffer] short read: 0 / 8820 fill=0
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [RaatSender] [raat/tcpaudiosource] connecting to
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [raat/tcpaudiosource] connected
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Ready"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (4)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Buffering => Ready
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] wait for ready in 0ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Adjusting playback start offset from 50ms to 287ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Doing 'ASAP' Start since we are just playing to one device
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [83]{"request":"start","min_offset":287885487,"stream_sample":0}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Ready => Playing
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Playing => Prepared
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [84]{"request":"end_stream"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (2)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library] recorded play for profile 71b7ac0b-aebe-4e74-b644-6e242e8e057d: mediaid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb metadataid= contentid= libraryid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
    Source Format=Aac 44100/24/2 BitRate=257 Quality=LowQuality
    Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
    Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] starting cleanup with 93 dirty tracks 8 dirty albums 1 dirty performers , 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to retain
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaNatural
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] finished with 41 clumping tracks, 9 clumping auxfiles 5 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 2 tracks to (re)load, 3 tracks to retain, 7 auxfiles to (re)load, 8 auxfiles to retain, and 6 changed objects
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] _Advance (Track)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [86]{"request":"update_artwork"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] done computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 18ms, got 10 top albums, 11 top performers, 18 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532).  re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532).  re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty items, no items in query, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16398 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 62ms
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [405] GET to returned after 193 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Robbie Williams - Intensive Care - Ghosts was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4623922 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Robbie Williams/Intensive Care/01 Ghosts.m4a
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Playing"}
01/28 17:10:32 Info: [Broker:Transport] 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
    Source Format=Aac 44100/24/2 BitRate=257 Quality=LowQuality
    Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
    Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [83] {"status":"Success","time":56286507958}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Ended"}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [84] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [86] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:32 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4623922: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:32 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [406] GET to returned after 171 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Söhne Mannheims - Noiz - Traurige Lieder was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Worker (1)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4724786 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Söhne Mannheims/Noiz/06 Traurige Lieder.m4a
01/28 17:10:32 Warn: [Worker (1)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4724786: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:32 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [407] GET to returned after 165 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Söhne Mannheims - Noiz - Ich Geh mit Dir was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Worker (3)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4725554 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Söhne Mannheims/Noiz/09 Ich Geh Mit Dir.m4a
01/28 17:10:33 Warn: [Worker (3)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4725554: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16399 ms)
01/28 17:10:33 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [408] GET to returned after 175 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track André Rieu - Romantic Paradise - The Rose was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Worker (4)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=62258 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/André Rieu/Romantic Paradise/09 The Rose.m4a
01/28 17:10:33 Warn: [Worker (4)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=62258: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:33 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [409] GET to returned after 186 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bodo Bach - Ich verabscheu' mich - Moosi's schöne Welt: "WM 2006" was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Worker (2)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1185586 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bodo Bach/Ich Verabscheu' Mich/10 Wm 2006.m4a
01/28 17:10:34 Warn: [Worker (2)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1185586: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:34 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [410] GET to returned after 173 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:34 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bonaparte - My Horse Likes You - Ouverture was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:34 Trace: [Worker (5)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1690674 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bonaparte/My Horse Likes You/01 Ouverture.m4a
01/28 17:10:34 Info: [7] [stats] 7033mb Virtual, 1612mb Physical, 763mb Managed, 416 Handles, 102 Threads
01/28 17:10:34 Warn: [Worker (5)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1690674: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:35 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [411] GET to returned after 173 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:35 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bonaparte - Too Much - No, I'm Against It! was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:35 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1901618 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bonaparte/Too Much/11 No, I'm Against It!.m4a
01/28 17:10:36 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1901618: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] [zone] no playback for 5s, suspending to release audio device
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport] 
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Inactive
01/28 17:10:36 Warn: [Broker:Transport] inactive signal path :(
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Suspend
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Stop
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Worker (3)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Worker (6)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [88]{"request":"teardown"}
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Prepared => Idle

Hi @daniel,

It seems I‘ve found the problem.

During further testing I‘ve seen that the issue only occurs when I try to play AAC (from iTunes) files. With MP3 or other formats it worked well.

After some further research I‘ve implemented the newest ffmpeg file into the bin folder of the roon server and some first tests were successful.

I will do a deeper test later today and come back with the results.

Hi @Michael_Lehner,

What was the result of this test?


It seems the combination of the ffmpeg file and moving the db to an internal m.2 drive was the solution here.

Currently all is running as expected.

This case can be closed :wink:

Hi @Michael_Lehner,
Great; I’m glad Roon is working well for you now!

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