Hi @daniel,
Thanks for your response.
I‘ve reproduced the issue as follows:
- started Roon core
- Opened Roon App on iPhone and started one local track for the Eversolo which was streamed as expected (16:09 utc)
- During playback changed the track to another local one and issue occur again
- Tried to switch to internet radio station but streaming also stuck (16:10 utc)
Got the same result when playing songs on my ipad as target device using the roon app
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] =======================================================================
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] Track Geboren um zu leben (trackid=Geboren um zu leben,albumid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] Performance LibraryPerformance[3053429, LibraryWork[459636, Geboren um zu leben, by LibraryPerformer[33265457, Der Graf & Henning Verlage]]]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] Track Geboren um zu leben (trackid=Geboren um zu leben,albumid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb)
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] Performance LibraryPerformance[3053429, LibraryWork[459636, Geboren um zu leben, by LibraryPerformer[33265457, Der Graf & Henning Verlage]]]
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Playing 1 Items
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library] recorded play for profile 71b7ac0b-aebe-4e74-b644-6e242e8e057d: mediaid=50:1:c540e1ce-8ba7-4674-9ea4-97858a9de06a metadataid= contentid= libraryid=50:1:c540e1ce-8ba7-4674-9ea4-97858a9de06a isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport]
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
Source Format=Mp3 44100/24/2 BitRate=104 Quality=LowQuality
Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (4)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (4)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] starting cleanup with 2 dirty tracks 2 dirty albums 1 dirty performers 1 dirty works , 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to retain
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Playing TransportItem
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Selecting Source state=Stopped
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [74]{"request":"request_source"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] finished with 41 clumping tracks, 9 clumping auxfiles 5 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 2 tracks to (re)load, 3 tracks to retain, 7 auxfiles to (re)load, 8 auxfiles to retain, and 6 changed objects
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (5)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Playing => Prepared
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [76]{"request":"end_stream"}
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Worker (1)] [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [74] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=500 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=10), overalltime=10ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=500 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=10), overalltime=11ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [77]{"request":"update_artwork","mimetype":"image/jpeg"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [17] {"status":"Ended"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] done computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (4)] [music/searchindex] [search-index] removed in 11ms: 1 albums, 0 tracks, 0 works, 0 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [music/searchindex] [search-index] added in 0ms: 1 albums, 0 tracks, 0 works, 0 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [music/searchindex] totals: 3165 albums, 19309 tracks, 7392 works, 47140 performers, 975 labels, 1261 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 32ms, got 9 top albums, 10 top performers, 18 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [76] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [77] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:31 Warn: [Worker (3)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4621362: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532). re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532). re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:2 dirty items, no items in query, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:2 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16388 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 85ms
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] Created album details screen for LibraryAlbum[917551, Unheilig - Grosse Freiheit (Deluxe Version)]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails]
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 8 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16396 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16397 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=27), overalltime=27ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=27), overalltime=28ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=29), overalltime=29ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Local](id=144050 spec=1024 key=kcfiaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=29), overalltime=29ms
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] sleep 241ms after flush
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer] Playing: /var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Unheilig/Grosse Freiheit (Deluxe Version)/04 Geboren um zu leben.m4a
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [399] POST to https://api.roonlabs.net/metadata/1/albums/translate?c=qobuz-de&tidal=max returned after 163 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 144 B
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 0 streaming service alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [401] POST to https://api.roonlabs.net/browse/1/works/trackCounts?c=qobuz-de&tidal=max returned after 171 ms, status code: 200, request body size: 27 B
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [400] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/9e5b8188f1b01f162ef079cf17e9991bbe93eb85?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 177 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Robbie Williams - Escapology - Nan's Song was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4623154 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Robbie Williams/Escapology/14 Nan's Song.m4a
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success]
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer] Starting playback
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamParams[SampleRate=44100, BitsPerSample=24, Channels=2, Layout=Stereo FrameCount=10163200] => StreamParams[SampleRate=44100, BitsPerSample=24, Channels=2, Layout=Stereo FrameCount=10163200] streamid=1792339208
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Playing
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Remote](id=11987 spec=1by1_512 key=btraaaaa uri=https://imagecache.roonlabs.net/im/1/artists/7a004d4e30303032303632373433/avatar/1by1_512.jpg) => fetched in 193ms status=200 size=64097 overalltime=199ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] GetImageData[Remote](id=11988 spec=4by3_2048 key=ctraaaaa uri=https://imagecache.roonlabs.net/im/1/artists/7a004d4e30303032303632373433/photo/4by3_2048.jpg) => fetched in 188ms status=200 size=168536 overalltime=198ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (3)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] synced to endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 clock: realtime=55565292471 rtt=11500us offset=-206967707us delta=-206967707us
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (3)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [82]{"request":"stream","stream_id":1792339208,"first_seq":-1,"nak_port":-1,"buffer_size":10,"ready_threshold":0.2}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Buffering"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (5)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Prepared => Buffering
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] [zoneplayer/raat] selected Eversolo DMP-A6 as clock master
01/28 17:10:31 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4623154: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 16ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [prebuffer thread] [prebuffer] short read: 0 / 8820 fill=0
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [RaatSender] [raat/tcpaudiosource] connecting to
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [raat/tcpaudiosource] connected
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Ready"}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (4)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Buffering => Ready
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] wait for ready in 0ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Adjusting playback start offset from 50ms to 287ms
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Doing 'ASAP' Start since we are just playing to one device
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [83]{"request":"start","min_offset":287885487,"stream_sample":0}
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Ready => Playing
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Playing => Prepared
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [RaatSender] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [84]{"request":"end_stream"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Worker (2)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library] recorded play for profile 71b7ac0b-aebe-4e74-b644-6e242e8e057d: mediaid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb metadataid= contentid= libraryid=50:1:6c8fad55-9e97-4107-822e-149b77e1a3eb isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile=
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport]
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
Source Format=Aac 44100/24/2 BitRate=257 Quality=LowQuality
Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] starting cleanup with 93 dirty tracks 8 dirty albums 1 dirty performers , 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to retain
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaNatural
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] finished with 41 clumping tracks, 9 clumping auxfiles 5 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 2 tracks to (re)load, 3 tracks to retain, 7 auxfiles to (re)load, 8 auxfiles to retain, and 6 changed objects
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] _Advance (Track)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [86]{"request":"update_artwork"}
01/28 17:10:31 Info: [Broker:Media] [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] done computing profile stats
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 18ms, got 10 top albums, 11 top performers, 18 genres
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532). re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty (< rebuild threshold of 2532). re-sorting item-by-item (internaltype=LibraryAlbum)
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Music.LibraryAlbum:8 dirty items, no items in query, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [Broker:Media] [query] Sooloos.Broker.Api.FolderItem:93 dirty items, rebuild threshold: 2000, rebuilding? False
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16398 ms)
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [library] endmutation in 62ms
01/28 17:10:31 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [405] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/ca11afedf92aca457d41a4f5313acba6d0dea4b6?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 193 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Robbie Williams - Intensive Care - Ghosts was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:31 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4623922 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Robbie Williams/Intensive Care/01 Ghosts.m4a
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Playing"}
01/28 17:10:32 Info: [Broker:Transport]
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
Source Format=Aac 44100/24/2 BitRate=257 Quality=LowQuality
Raat Device=Eversolo DMP-A6
Output OutputType=Local_Digital Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [83] {"status":"Success","time":56286507958}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [82] {"status":"Ended"}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [84] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] GOT [86] {"status":"Success"}
01/28 17:10:32 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4623922: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:32 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [406] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/1ffcb43f431fa05c0058a32a59f87e0b2a784aab?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 171 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Söhne Mannheims - Noiz - Traurige Lieder was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Worker (1)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4724786 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Söhne Mannheims/Noiz/06 Traurige Lieder.m4a
01/28 17:10:32 Warn: [Worker (1)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4724786: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:32 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [407] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/de132c5f973218895d3bdaac30148db13471b576?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 165 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Söhne Mannheims - Noiz - Ich Geh mit Dir was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:32 Trace: [Worker (3)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=4725554 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Söhne Mannheims/Noiz/09 Ich Geh Mit Dir.m4a
01/28 17:10:33 Warn: [Worker (3)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=4725554: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 1 ms (cumulative 0 bytes, 0 ops in 16399 ms)
01/28 17:10:33 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [408] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/3a6ca92f466530835221ff0565020ff61bd7c460?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 175 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track André Rieu - Romantic Paradise - The Rose was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Worker (4)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=62258 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/André Rieu/Romantic Paradise/09 The Rose.m4a
01/28 17:10:33 Warn: [Worker (4)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=62258: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:33 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [409] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/08dbee2da7ab69b61517918932ffe75bbf57f0f2?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 186 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bodo Bach - Ich verabscheu' mich - Moosi's schöne Welt: "WM 2006" was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:33 Trace: [Worker (2)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1185586 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bodo Bach/Ich Verabscheu' Mich/10 Wm 2006.m4a
01/28 17:10:34 Warn: [Worker (2)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1185586: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:34 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [410] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/050b5defc2f166f3554a9794064a2807b1e622e2?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 173 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:34 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bonaparte - My Horse Likes You - Ouverture was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:34 Trace: [Worker (5)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1690674 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bonaparte/My Horse Likes You/01 Ouverture.m4a
01/28 17:10:34 Info: [7] [stats] 7033mb Virtual, 1612mb Physical, 763mb Managed, 416 Handles, 102 Threads
01/28 17:10:34 Warn: [Worker (5)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1690674: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:35 Debug: [.NET ThreadPool Worker] [easyhttp] [411] GET to https://api.roonlabs.net/audioanalysis/1/analysis/487a887e68c818c0f93109b6886703bb089ef413?format=json&getSpectrogram=False&hexContentHash=True& returned after 173 ms, status code: 404
01/28 17:10:35 Trace: [Broker:Media] [analysis] Track Bonaparte - Too Much - No, I'm Against It! was not found in AudioAnalysis Service, continuing with analysis...
01/28 17:10:35 Trace: [Worker (6)] [analysis] analyzing trackid=1901618 url=/var/packages/RoonServer/target/roonmnt/RoonMusic/Music/Bonaparte/Too Much/11 No, I'm Against It!.m4a
01/28 17:10:36 Warn: [Worker (6)] [analysis] failed with exception for trackid=1901618: Sequence contains no elements
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] [zone] no playback for 5s, suspending to release audio device
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport]
--[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Inactive
01/28 17:10:36 Warn: [Broker:Transport] inactive signal path :(
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Suspend
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Stop
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Broker:Transport] [zone Eversolo DMP-A6] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Worker (3)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:36 Info: [Worker (6)] [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6 @] [raatclient] SENT [88]{"request":"teardown"}
01/28 17:10:36 Trace: [Worker (1)] [Eversolo DMP-A6] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Eversolo DMP-A6 State Changed: Prepared => Idle