Roon player issues and awkwardness

Hi @Stephen_Vorenberg, here’s my take on your issues:

I would take a look at your router settings. I have seen IGMP Proxying/Snooping help with this behavior in the past. I would also make sure that your network is set up as per our Networking Guide.

This seems like a display driver issue. I would update your PC drivers to the newest versions to see if it helps. You can take a look at this thread for more info (Windows 10 : Blank (white screen) after maximising) and possibly try the 32-bit version of Roon to see if it helps.

Yes, the mobile version has limitations when compared to PC/Tablet versions. I would not expect to see the same screens. You can use search to find the album you wish to play as you mentioned. Searching limited to just albums and not doing a general search is more of a feature request than expected behavior.

Can you let me know the exact composition you tried with? I can take a look to see if it is reproducible. If these are local files, please also send them over to us, you can PM me a shared Dropbox or Google Drive link and I can ask QA to take a look.
