Roon prohibits access to computer from GoToMyPC and locks up [fixed]

I am a new Roon user, and, tried to browse the prior help sections but could not find a direct answer to this question. I did check out the “system requirements” page, thank you for that.

On my system, a Windows 7 workstation running dual Xeon duel core processors at 3.0Ghz and 32GB of RAM, Roon takes about 3 - 4 minutes to load. From the other support questions, this seems like it should be too long. I have 53,000 files in my library and the scanning does seem to take some time (running my music on a NAS connected via gigabit connections). It is usually five minutes or more before I can actually play a song via Roon when I open the program. FYI, iTunes takes a minute or so to open on this machine, however JRiver takes only seconds to open (but, JRiver runs as service on Windows bootup that might be why).

Once Roon is up and running however the experience is quite excellent. I can live with the other quirks that I experience, but then we come to the issue. IF I LEAVE Roon running on the machine and open, after a half a day or so it seems to lock the computer. I will come back and can get to the login screen by moving the mouse and type in my password, but then nothing but a black screen appears and the only way past this is to do a hard reboot of the computer. I also use GoToMyPC frequently and with Roon running as described the computer will show as online initially from a remote location, but then times out upon a connection try and then shows as offline. Again, coming home and hard booting is the only way to fix it.

Without Roon running as an open program I can go days and weeks with no connection issues whatsoever, it just never happens as I describe.

Suggestions? I would think that with the amount of RAM I have and the processors (although not new, they are at least commercial grade) this should not be happening. I am considering an upgrade of my processors to dual Xeon quad core running at 3.0Ghz but that requires a BIOS downgrade and other tweaks and I’m not ready to go there yet!!!

Thank you.

Is your Win 7 32 or 64bit ?

Do you load Roon 32 or 64 bit ?

The answer to these will influence whether the RAM you have can be accessed.

Have you tried Roonserver (which is essentially headless like a service) ? You just open Roon as a client/remote as and when needed without any of the rescanning you get at startup (assuming you leave the roonserver PC on that is)…

Thank you for your response. In answer to your questions: Computer operating system is Windows 7, 64-bit operating system. Roon version is 1.1 Bld 99, 64-bit install.

I have not done the Roonserver yet, as I was not feeling it would be beneficial. I use Roon on one desktop computer only which is located nowhere near my primary stereo system. I seldom listen to music on that computer. I was hoping that installing Roon on my iPad would then allow me to stream music via my network to my main listening room area, but, it seems that Roon will not stream to my receiver/DAC directly on via the iPad, but rather only wants to do AirPlay which is not acceptable to me. I have to experiment further about this, as it seems that it will stream to the receiver from the desktop (the receiver is found in the list of audio outputs on the desktop but did not seem to be on the iPad).

I could try the server as you discuss but then would somewhat defeat my purpose for having the software on the computer as I wanted it to be able to see the extra material about the artist/album/etc.


Zones connected to your Core should show up on the iPad. How is your computer connected to the receiver/DAC ?

Thanks Andybob I will research this part further. If that is the case it will be helpful for me to use it more frequently at the main receiver room. That is a different issue than I started the thread over however, still wondering what might make the continued operation of the software shut down my machine or put it in overload to the point where I can no longer get to the machine from the web and/or have to hard reboot to get it to respond, which only happens when I leave Roon open on the server computer for more than a half a day.

Sorry I missed the last part. My computer is on my network, Cat5e, gigabit connections hard wired throughout the house. Receiver is on the network as well. DAC is in the receiver. Music comes off a NAS which is also hard wired to the network.

Yes, sorry I got distracted from the main issue which unfortunately is beyond me.

Let’s drop a flag for @mike and @vova to investigate.

Edit: it would be interesting to find out what connection you are seeing on the PC but not on the iPad. AirPlay shows up in both places for me.

Thanks I was happy to discuss the “strayed topic” - grin - to help with that aspect but was also quite interested in the main topic. Being a noobie here not sure about how to drop a flag but perhaps that what you did by mentioning their names. Thanks for the help.

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Hey @Larry_Herrett – sorry for the trouble here, and for the slow response.

A couple questions:

  • Can you look at Settings > Setup > Clean Up Library and let me know what kinds of numbers you’re seeing there? The startup time you’re describing sounds longer than I’d expect, so I’m wondering if your database needs some cleanup.

  • I think @andybob is probably on the money here, with regards to installing RoonServer. It’s hard to know how Roon might be interacting with GoToMyPC, but it could be related to Roon’s graphics capabilities, like OpenGL. If you install RoonServer, and only open Roon when you’re actively in front on the machine, that would give us a better sense of whether this issue is related to OpenGL, or something else.

Let me know how you do with the above, and if you’re still having issues, we’ll take a deeper look. Thanks!


No problem with the response time, I am happy to work on this over time to get it right and running!!

First off, when I follow the instructions above it says, under “clean up library” that there are “cleanup of 0 tracks” under both of the options. So, that does not seem to be an issue as I have not deleted or moved more than a dozen tracks since installing Roon, and so it does seem to find that when I open the program.

I did open the program tonight and let it fully come up, and, then it started to rescan my files to “extract metadata and artwork”, that was after it was finished importing my music. There are 45,281 associated files on a NAS that stores my music (by the way, the NAS is on the network but I have just told Roon to use the iTunes library as its source).

So I would like to try the RoonServer option and have downloaded that, but, am a bit concerned about all the posts people talk about in regard to downgrading from Roon to RoonServer and the process to follow. Can I just install RoonServer without removing Roon first, or should I uninstall everything, then start with RoonServer and then reinstall Roon? Some of the folks in the forums are talking almost doomsday results if I don’t do the process correctly. Please advise, thanks.


I wouldn’t be too worried. Give these instructions a read and let me know how it goes. If you’re concerned about losing changes you’ve already made in Roon, just make sure to make a backup of your database before migrating.


Thank you for all your efforts and suggestions. So, for now let’s take this ticket off your plate!! It seems that, for whatever reason, when the Roon software updated the other day (and perhaps in conjunction with other Windows updates or other software updates) the issue has disappeared (without me switching over to RoonServer). I have left the Roon software open for days now and the issue has not manifested itself again. I will call it fixed for the time being.

Thank you again for responding back and I will continue to look forward to using and experimenting with the software going forward. Take care.


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Thanks for letting us know Larry!

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.