Roon + Qobuz issues on ISP-provided networking gear

Nope, it’s called bad information architecture with broken user journeys and results in bad user experience caused by incoherent navigation paths. And if it isn’t by accident, it’s called grey-pattern to reduce support costs.

Sure, but your logic makes no sense. Kinda sweet, though. Shadows do not exist without light. But I’m not talking about users with beneficial info. I’m talking about people who just want to express their opinion, and about those who can’t stop pulling the thread off topic.

Signal vs. Noise

Have you ever recognized how many people don’t realize if they are signal or noise?


Does that include those posters who obviously only pretend to be looking for a solution to their problem? Who knows? Maybe they’re fully aware of what they’re doing…

Roon + Qobuz works just fine for many people, but for others, it clearly doesn’t. In both groups, there are people who have an ISP-provided router and who only use WiFi but also people with industrial grade networking gear who only use Ethernet cables. In both groups, there are people with faster and slower Internet connections. So what conclusions (if any) can we draw from this about the stability/reliability of Roon’s Qobuz integration?


Sounds to me like Roon maybe isn’t for you , how come you waded in spending BIG bucks on hardware before you were happy with the (software) product and subsequent support.

You can hardly blame “happy users” for being happy with their involvement , I will soon have completed 5 years , “happily”

Just my 2p


That’s precisely the point. Being a happy user doesn’t solve problems of others.

I’ll probably bow out of this thread as it’s clearly not going anywhere. You seem to prefer wallowing in indignation rather than finding a solution (to a problem that appears to have already been solved!)


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