Roon/Qobuz no longer working together

OK, thanks for the clarifications, that’s useful. Just a few more things to bring the issue into focus for the Support team to tackle…

So I think your Roon Server (the artist previously known as Roon Core) has been installed with ROCK, and you can now access the Web Administration interface?

This sounds as though you are signing in often? That’s unusual, once you are signed in, you should stay signed in (I can’t remember the last time I needed to sign in to Qobuz in Roon - the signin has persisted through multiple upgrades of Roon).

OK, this does sound like a network issue. The Support team will be able to pull logs from your Roon Server to investigate further.

Yes, the Roon Server and Roon Remote on the PC will both be updated automatically. If you also have Roon Remotes on tablets and smartphones, these are updated separately via their app Stores.