Roon Quits and Logs Me Out

New user here with latest build. Roon keeps quitting and logging me out. This is typically while playing an album, a few tracks in. I get no error message at all. My music stops. I return to my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.11.5) and find that I’m logged out and apps have quit. Any ideas here?

What energy saving settings do you have in your MacBook preferences?

Computer Sleep: 10 minutes
Display Sleep: 10 minutes
Put hard disk to sleep when possible
Wake for network access

Try changing computer sleep to never?

Quitting the application and logging me out when it goes to sleep doesn’t seem to make much sense. All other applications I run don’t do this when the computer goes to sleep. And, if an application is running - Roon playing music - it shouldn’t sleep anyway. This said, I’ll try it.

Thanks for your input. It is appreciated.

I do find it with other applications. I always try and save and close down Word for example on my iMac.

Might not be the solution for you but worth a try.

I bet it does work. I’ll test it over the next few days.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Hi @JBW69 ---- Sorry for the delay and thank you for your feedback. I’d like to get a copy of your logs over to our developers so we can see what is causing the issue here. I will be contacting you momentarily, via PM with instructions on how to upload logs to our servers. Thanks!


Thank you for your reply. I think that I may have figured this out on my own. In addition to setting my hard drive, as well as computer to never sleep, I also changed an auto logout setting that was implemented at some point in my system preferences. I don’t know how or when - maybe with my latest OS X update - but my computer was set to log me out after 15 minutes if there was no activity. I do not ever recall setting this, but I could have and forgot. Who knows. Time will tell if this fixes the issue. I will report back when I know. All said, if any of these setting changes are “the fix,” I think Roon should be recognized as running by the OS in any case and never log someone out due to inactivity, etc. If it’s running it’s running and should take priority.

Thanks again!

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@JBW69 ---- Thank you for your follow up report and glad to hear things are stable now. Please keep me posted if anything else comes up. Happy listening!
