Roon Radio Nonsensical Track Selection

Roon Core Machine

2011 Mac Mini 2,5Ghz i5 16GB RAM 512GB SSD, 4TB attached USB drive

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear 24 Port 10/100/1000 Switch
iMAC endpoint AudioEngine A+/AudioQuest Red DAC

Connected Audio Devices

4x Yamaha receivers around the house
2 RPI - one for Dac/Headphone AMP

Number of Tracks in Library

120K Tracks,

Description of Issue

How is Roon Radio supposed to work when only limited to my library? Track selections are random with no logical connection to the first selected song in genre. Thompson Twins King for a Day completes and a Frank Sinatra song comes up next? Is it not possible to have it be a DJ after picking one song?

Hey @Chris_Lischy

Sorry for the delay getting back to you about this. Roon Radio that is limited to in library choices has the potential to be constrained in some cases depending on library size. You have a nice sized library so you should get a bit more variety.

When you ask ‘Is it not possible to have it be a DJ after picking one song’ do you mean that you’re not seeing the Roon Radio notification for the upcoming track?

If that’s the case you can toggle Roon Radio notifications on in Settings>Setup>Enable Roon Radio notifications>Yes.

Or do you feel that Radio isn’t selecting music you would expect it to based on your jumping off track?

Hi Jamie - thanks for the reply. It’s the latter. Looking for Radio to select music that is within a reasonable range of the jumping off track.

I do see the roon radio notifications. I was hoping there might be some ability to DJ things a bit without my intervention. Even have the ability to set how far of the beaten path it might go. Start with X and then let it select a playlist. (would be interesting if you could set parameters on how wide it would extend) - starting with The Doors and somehow end up on who knows what… Anyway. Thanks -