Roon Radio: Option to ban artists completely

Here’s my use case along with a comparison to Spotify’s functionality:

I’m using the exact same shoegaze artist to start listening to start radio in Roon (using Tidal and my local files on my ROCK server) or the Spotify app. When the album is done radio starts. After a few songs Roon will inevitably start to play the same crappy artist that sounds nothing like the original artist I started Roon Radio with and is absolute garbage screamo pop punk when I’ve been listening to mellow shoegaze. I don’t have that crappy artist in my library (because why would I include something I hate?) and yet I can’t even tell Roon Radio to stop playing them other than skipping them the dozen times Roon forces me to listen to them! I’ve been using Roon less and less these days because of simple functional issues like this that make me grind my teeth when I’m supposed to be relaxing and enjoying music. Meanwhile, Spotify has continued to play music that isn’t in my library and is actually in the same genre. I really don’t understand why this functionality hasn’t been improved yet when the Spotify app is crap otherwise compared to Roon.


+1 for a global ban function.

“Ban” is such a harsh term. How about using “block” or “ignore”?

Now that voting on suggestions has been turned on, you should vote for it if this is important to you…

Out of interest, what is the use case for including artists that users don’t want to listen to?


Sorry misread.

Yes, this please!

Yes Please, desperately want this. So sick of ed sheeran.


Click and vote top left of this thread people :slight_smile:

Discovering new music is wonderful, but not having to skip tracks you know you don’t like makes it that much better. Having a “no play” list would make Roon Radio incredible. It is often frustrating to have to scramble to open the app to skip a song when I would’ve just blocked the artist in the first place. It’s half of the value of Roon Radio. Please add it.


Had to skip another one! I like the spicy words, come on!

Roon radio seems to be getting worse.

Whatever metalish album I listen to the first roon radio song is Marilyn Manson at least 50% of the time. I hate Marilyn Manson.

The whole point or the Radio feature for me is to discover new music or related music from my collection.

The abscense of this basic block artist or song feature is ridiculous.

Who drives the road map?


Road map? Is there one? :thinking: :joy:
Yet here we are 3 years later, waiting for basic functionality!


Please please please. I use Roon radio more than any other feature and if I have to sprint to my phone to skip a Joni Mitchell song one more time I am going to lose my mind.


Yes please, need this


Really hoping for a ban feature that works. Roon Radio continues to play tracks by artists I’ve banned. The problem is especially noticeable for collaborations (the banned artist collaborated with an artist who isn’t banned, and those tracks show up repeatedly).

Also, some artists have just a few tracks I never want to hear, so a ban track feature would be great.


Hi to Everyone. First time posting here.

I’m giving another vote to this feature request. In only 2 months with Roon, I find using Roon radio to discover new music to be rather frustrating without this possibility.

Just a simple option on Roon Radio, to “Do not play this artist again” and “Do not play this track again” , would make Roon so much more interesting to use.
Tidal has it nicely done, and I hope this comes soon to Roon as well.


Would be good to be able to do this on ARC while on the move


This has been a feature request for four years in this thread. Apparently, Roon has zero intention of integrating this obviously useful option.


It doesn’t seem like this would be too difficult to implement. Could we get some feedback from Roon @support on why this feature is not included or being developed?