Roon Radio: Option to ban artists completely

Hello , I really hope to get the banning of artists and tracks in place for Radio and personal mixes provided by Roon. I am now trying out adding and then banning every track in albums i do not like being pushed in radio . I also ban the album itself and in some cases the artist also. I will keep an eye on these ban’s if the pop up in the radio again . I have recognized though that some personal mixes has been based on artists i have banned and also inluded tracks by banned artists which by any standards is not the optimal use of space nor time.


this started 2 years ago and no implementation of something that seems very basic, I wonder if there are any contractual reasons with streaming services that do not allow them to do that.

I have put thumb down to the same artist for months and he still coming up.

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I’d also play 1.000$ for an option to ban any artist that is less than 30 and use an autotune… maybe an AI can do that?

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It was over 4 years ago that I requested this basic feature. Spotify and Tidal allow you to ban tracks or artists. Tidal has a limit of a 1000. Qobuz does not allow you to ban artists.

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Yes same issue, why doesn’t support answer at least, if something about this feature is in the works, or if it’s not allowed due to contract issues etc. to give us at least that information? If Tidal can implement this than Roon should be able to do the same, no?.


Roon Labs read every Feature Suggestion but very, very rarely comment on them.

That’s just very bad customer service, we are paying a lot for this software, at least they could let us know, no?

They’ve been burned before by giving details of their roadmap, so they don’t do it anymore. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t…

Nothing after four years. I’ll add my request to block an artist on Radio. Maybe this will be the one that breaks the camels back.

It’s really annoying as I’m listening to Alternative Folk and Seth Lakeman comes up time after time. It’s driving me nuts.

Oh and why include “holiday music” in a radio that isn’t a holiday theam? Sure I can tell room this doesn’t fit and it’s holiday music but then along comes another one. It isn’t Christmas for months yet….


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Plus one.
Feature like this would be handy. Someone say might not want to listen to music due to a situation in ones life. To have to remove from library seems extreme. I do have a not in Roon library because this feature is missing.

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Now that Qobuz has started to flood with AI generated music and titles, blocking the noise would be a welcome option.

@Hestepare Please would you provide some examples? We try to keep on top of “junk”, but one person’s junk is another’s favourite… Thanks.

All of this is noise to me, but I suppose people have different tastes…

In fact, blocking the entire “RW Music Records” label would be welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks. Not sure if it’s “AI” per se, but it’s certainly automated unwelcome content.

Thank you so much for acting quickly on this. I checked and it seems to have multiplied…

Thanks again. FYI, we’ll not ban this content outright, but will do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t turn up in recommendations.

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Would definitely be a benefit to be able to block artists. I have many examples :face_vomiting: but prefer not to state them openly so as not to offend anyone!

While looking into the code to disable specific music it would be good if a general rule was introduced to avoid Artists/Albums/Tracks that is banned by the User/Profile to be added to Daily Mixes and Radio.