We appreciate that all of you have shared the behavior you’ve seen from Roon Radio and for expressing how much you value this feature. Like you, we want Roon Radio to be the best that it can be and we do understand how getting a series of repeated tracks can negatively impact your listening sessions.
The good news is that I can tell you the team has investigating this issue over the last few weeks, and we are hoping to have improvements ready in coming builds. We’ve been collecting data to drill down into Radio behavior to determine why this is happening. There are measures in place to keep this from happening but they don’t seem to work correctly on all systems. We’re perplexed, but we’re addressing it.
I want you to know that we hear you, acknowledge what you’re experiencing, and that we’re on the case. We understand and empathize with your frustration. We’re going to get this fixed.
Additionally, I want to kindly ask that you don’t start new threads on this issue out of frustration. Please don’t do that. That would be axe-grinding/megaphoning which is in violation of Community Guidelines in addition to making Community an unpleasant place to be.
We know how you may feel ‘the squeaky wheel gets the new songs’ but let’s keep the conversation surrounding this issue civil and respectful. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.