Roon remote app (iPhone) won't find my Linux core (Ubuntu)

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Ubuntu 20.04 on late 2013 13 inch Macbook Pro with Retina.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

5GHz wi-fi via Apple Airport Extreme router.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Oppo UDP-203 Blu-Ray player, connected via ethernet but not on computer.

Description Of Issue

Hello, I am not sure what’s caused this issue but I use Roon a few times a week or so. Last week I had no issue using Roon but when I’ve tried to use Roon on Ubuntu today, my remote app on my iPhone says that it can’t find my core. It keeps searching but nothing comes up.

I’ve tried to uninstall and re-install, but I have the same error. I’ve tried to change my DNS settings, but I have the same issue. I also tried to restart my router. I’ve checked to see if the service is running via systemctl, and terminal tells me that it’s running.

I’m not super tech savvy but I’m wondering if I’ve missed something? I feel like I’ve tried everything. But I haven’t found anything on google that’s helped me yet, which is why I’m writing here. Let me know if I’ve forgotten to mention something.

Hi @Kellie_Ekedahl,

Is it possible to connect the Core machine to the network via Ethernet? Is there any change when doing so?

I tried but for some reason beyond my comprehension my laptop (where the Core is installed) didn’t wanna get connected via ethernet. I’m not sure why, I’m sure it’s been able to do before. I’m a little new to Ubuntu Cinnamon, as I’ve only used it for a few months.

Wi-Fi works fine.

If you updated your iphone to ios 14, did you allow Roon to connect to local network? If you do not remember, you can check that from iPhone settings. Find Roon and check that local network is allowed.

I’ve tried that, but no luck.

I don’t know if this info is helpful, but I seem to have some other network related problems with my computer lately. Yesterday it couldn’t find my printer automatically like it normally does, so I had to try and find it manually in the printer settings.

It also can’t find my network drive automatically, so I have to type in the address manually to connect to that, too.

Hi @Kellie_Ekedahl,

It sounds like your router or operating system might have issues completing a network search request.

As per our Networking Best Practices Guide, we suggest using non-Apple networking gear, as we have often seen issue surrounding these kinds of routers.

To confirm that the network is the issue though, can you try to temporarily host the Roon Core on another PC and verify if you are having the same issues there?

  • Open Roon on the other PC you wish to try as the Core
  • Roon Settings → General
  • Disconnect
  • On the “Choose your Core” screen, press “Use this PC”
  • If asked to Unauthorize, you can go ahead and do so. You are limited to one active Roon Core at a time but you are free to switch between them as often as you’d like.
  • Verify if the same behavior occurs on the different PC

Unfortunately an Apple router is all I have right now and it’s worked fine so far, but I may look into getting a new router someday because I’ve been slowly migrating away from Apple.

As for changing cores, I have dual boot on my laptop (Macbook Pro), so I tried running Roon on MacOS and it works fine with my remote app finding it, so no problem there.

I have noticed that when the computer boots up or I do systemctl restart on Ubuntu, my laptop briefly pops up but it says the connection failed. It looks like this.

Sorry about the double post, but I wanted to mention that I did get ethernet to work on my laptop again. This did not help with connecting to the Roon core on my laptop with Ubuntu, though.

Hi @Kellie_Ekedahl,

In that case, it sounds like your Linux firewall is not configured correctly for Roon traffic. I would look over this thread:

I got a little impatient and just re-installed Ubuntu and that fixed the problem, but I’ll have a look at this if I run into the same problem again. Thanks.

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Thanks for the update @Kellie_Ekedahl, I’ll go ahead and close this thread out for you in that case!

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